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När musiken står på spel. En genusanalys av gymnasieelevers musikaliska handlingsutrymme
(2011)The specific aim of this licentiate thesis is to highlight and problematize the way gender is constructed in musical learning, and how these gender constructions contribute to, or restrict, students’ musical actions in ... -
Musik och språk i samverkan – en aktionsforskningsstudie i åk 1
(2011-10-20)The aim of the study is to gain and develop knowledge about how school children participate and learn in lessons where music and language interact. Common features of both music and language, such as sound elements, ... -
Service Design - a conceptualization of an emerging practice
(2011-09)Service design is an emerging design practice with an interdisciplinary heritage. Most previous research has been based on what service designers do; with the increased academic interest in service design over the past ...