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dc.contributor.authorLöfström, Mikael
dc.description.abstractMobilisering mot narkotika” (MOB) announced 2003 a special project support to municipalities and county councils that in collaboration want to develop models to prevent drug abuse. The municipalities that were included in the project were Botkyrka, Karlstad, Älvsbyn and Örebro. The project emphasized collaboration between all concerned parties in the health care chain. In this study of Botkyrka two measurements has been done and shown that collaboration in the health care chain has been a central theme for Botkyrka. Through MiniMaria and Beroendecentrum has Botkyrka municipality and Stockholm county council a near collaboration in the health care chain around abusers in different age groups. The educational initiative has been extensive and has mainly offered skill development to employees within established work methods. An educational initiative of this scope takes a lot of time in pretensions the wide purchasing and needs to be planned in good time. That indicates that the stem work been implemented well and been a good basis for the educa-tion's planning and implementation. The study shows also that the project in Botkyrka has organized the activity on a way that creates good conditions in order to implement the project's work and results in the activity. The project's activities have been integrated in the regular activities.eng
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorking paper in Studies of Organization and Societyeng
dc.subjectpublic reformeng
dc.subjectpublic managementeng
dc.subjectdrug abuse preventioneng
dc.subjectcare and rehabilitationeng
dc.subjectdevelopment projecteng
dc.subjecthealth-care chaineng
dc.titleSamverkan, vårdkedjor och förändringsarbetet – om Botkyrkas medverkan i modellkommunprojekteteng
dc.gup.originGöteborg University. School of Business, Economics and Laweng
dc.gup.departmentDepartment of Business Administrationeng

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