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dc.contributor.authorWänerstam, Magdalena
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis was to investigate the victims' experiences of victimization at work (sv. Kränkande särbehandling i arbetslivet). Concept definition of victimization at work were obtained from The Swedish national board of occupational safety and health ordinance AFS 1993:17 Victimization at work. The issue revolved around three themes: experiences, management, and continuation, and solder: • How do the victims of victimization at work perceive their situation? • How do the victims of victimization at work perceive that their case has been handled? • How do you move on after being exposed to victimization at work? The previous research was difficult to manage because the phenomenon of Victimization at work is a Swedish phenomenon and the concept of Victimization at work is broad and can mean a variety of things such as bullying, slander and threats. I could not find any research that fully followed The Swedish national board of occupational safety and health concept so the searches for information were made using general terms such as bullying and abuse. And the theoretical starting point was that victimization is a social construction. A starting point that got denied at the end when it was apparent that the phenomenon was not socially accepted. In terms of methodology, the study used an interpretive phenomenological approach and email interviews were conducted as a data collection method. 8 respondents chose to complete the study. 2 men and 6 women. 7 were municipal employees and 1 was a private employee when the respondent was exposed to Victimization at work. Regarding conclusion on question 1; I concluded that respondents' experiences are linked to their subjective images of their dignity and all respondents have chosen to fight for a working life free from abuse. Regarding conclusion on question 2, I concluded that the experience is linked to external influences and respondents' belief in the help and support from the rest of society. Regarding conclusion on question 3; I concluded that this is personality dependent and there is no clear
dc.subjectKränkande särbehandlingsv
dc.subjectAFS 1993:17sv
dc.subjectSocial konstruktionsv
dc.subjectTolkande fenomenologisv
dc.title” Ja. Något är fel här!” Ett arbete om kränkande särbehandling i arbetslivetsv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of Sociology and Work Scienceeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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