Books / Böcker: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 61-80 av 235
Rethinking Mass Communications in Norway The Neglected Power of the Centre-Left Alliance in the Early 20 th Century and its Importance until the Present
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)The present article discusses the importance of the early years of mass communications in order to understand the shaping of them – the power of creating mass media for whole nations. It begins with references to scholars ... -
10 Years of Evaluation Practice in Media Assistance
(Nordicom, 2015-04)Evaluating the impact of media assistance is challenging for several reasons. Primary among them is that these kinds of initiatives operate in a complex political, social, and cultural environment. Although there has ... -
Tensions, Challenges and Issues in Evaluating Communication for Development
(Nordicom, 2015-04)The complexity of development and social change and growing tensions between dominant results-based and emerging learning and improvement-based approaches to evaluating de velopment interventions have created major ... -
Towards a Political Economy of Communication in Development?
(Nordicom, 2015-04)In the development communication equation, whether more theoretical, empirical and analytical attention is given to ‘development’ or to ‘communication’ makes a difference: where the emphasis is on development, it is at ... -
En kulturpolitisk nordisk kundskabsressource
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-12)I en stadig mere globaliseret verden er kulturen det, der binder de nordiske lande sammen og giver dem en fælles identitet. Trods de mange forskelle landene imellem oplever vi os i forhold til omverdenen som nordboer. ... -
Mediatization of Power Corporate CEOs in Flexible Capitalism
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)The present article analyses the mediatization of corporate power with a special focus on the work of the CEO. A review of the literature on the role of the media in corporate manage - ment, especially in the work of ... -
Hvem garanterer ytringsfriheten i Norge i dag?
(Nordicom, 2015)Mer overvåkning I løpet av de siste 10 årene har politiet i Norge fått stadig større fullmakter til å drive kommunikasjonskontroll. I tillegg har flere type handlinger blitt gjort straffbare, som forberedelse eller ... -
Shift Happens
(Nordicom, 2015) -
Deliberation or Self-presentation? Young People, Politics and Social Media
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)This article presents a study of how politically engaged young people use social media for political purposes. There has been a growing optimism that social media can stimu - late political participation and deliberation, ... -
Bypass-operation på journalistiken
(Nordicom, 2015) -
När offentligheten förändras
(Nordicom, 2015) -
Political Scandal Tests Trust in Politicians The Case of the Finnish Minister Who Resigned Because of His Text Messages
(Nordic Counil of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)Political scandals have been observed to be increasingly common everywhere. In April 2008, the Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ilkka Kanerva, was compelled to resign because of the sensation arising from the ... -
Iakttagelser om finländsk offentlighet i teori och praktik
(Nordicom, 2015)I Finland pågår vintern 2014-2015 en uppmärksammad rättsprocess mot chefen för den finska narkotikapolisen, som anklagas för bland annat tagande av muta och missbruk av tjänsteställning. I samband med processen har ... -
Offentlighetsprincipen på en landsortstidning i Sverige
(Nordicom, 2015)Vad betyder offentlighetsprincipen för en chefredaktör på en landsortstidning i Sverige? Om man tänkte bort möjligheten att ta del av kommunala handlingar i vårt spridningsområde skulle vi bara kunna göra hälften så stor ... -
Public or Secret
(Nordicom, 2015)Freedom of information, openness and transparency are words that are freely used in public discourse. Public bodies and politicians are referred to as ‘open’ if they give information and are willing to enter into dialogue ... -
Ytringsfriheten i det frie Norden
(Nordicom, 2015) -
Beyond the Impasse. Exploring New Thinking in Communication & Social Change
(Nordicom, 2015-04)Jo Tacchi and Silvio Waisbord were invited guest speakers at the conference ‘Beyond the Impasse – Exploring New Thinking in Communication & Social Change’ that was held at The University of Queensland in January 2013. ... -
Surface Tension
(Nordicom, 2015-04)As Documentary Photographers increasingly introduce the collaborative and participatory methodologies common to socially engaged art practices into their projects (particularly those that are activist in nature, seeking ... -
Communication for Social Change, Making Theory Count
(Nordicom, 2015-04)This article argues for communication for social change theory to be based on a theory of knowledge, a specific understanding of process that feeds into practice, a knowledge of structures, a specific understanding of ... -
Interrogating Practitioner Tensions for Raising Citizen Voice with Participatory Video in International Development
(Nordicom, 2015-04)Within international development, strengthening the voice of citizens living in poverty is recognised as vital to reducing inequity. In support of such endeavors, participatory video (PV) is an increasingly utilised ...