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dc.contributor.authorKarlsson, Mikael
dc.description.abstractThis article focuses on male feminists, separate organization and emotions. The purpose of the article is to understand the role of emotions in separate organization for (pro)feminist men. I find that guilt and pride are the most important emotions in my interviews. However, these emotions take different shapes according to the positions and the strategies the men adopt. If they consider themselves to be superior to women, they tend to feel guilt and this guilt can be used as a productive emotion. If they consider themselves to be subordinated, they tend to see guilt as an obstacle and try to escape guilt. If they consider themselves to be different from other men, they tend to see guilt as something other men feel. However, all of them end up in feeling pride about being part of a feminist movement. Those who consider themselves to be subordinated and those who consider themselves to be different from other men tend to be proud over their own engagement in separate organizations. Those who consider themselves to be superior to women tend to be most proud about the fact that they belong to the same movement as feminist
dc.subject(pro)feminist mensv
dc.subjectseparate organizationsv
dc.titleTillsammans mot vår egen överordning En emotionssociologisk studie av (pro)feministiska män och separat organiseringsv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of Sociology and Work Scienceeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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