Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för socialt arbete: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 116
Balansera i barnsamtal En studie om hur socialsekreterare ser på begreppet barns röst i barnsamtal.
(2021-05-05)Syftet med studien var att fånga hur socialsekreterare i socialtjänstens barnavård tänker kring barns röst i barnsamtal. De frågeställningar jag har utgått från är; Vad innebär begreppet barns röst för socialsekreterare?; ... -
The Integration Process and Coping Strategies of Farsi Speaking refugee Women in Sweden
(2021-04-21)The purpose of this study was to explore integration meanings, experiences, and challenges as well as coping strategies among Farsi-speaking refugee women in Sweden. Therefore, three questions related to the main aims ... -
Do fathers care? Examining caring experiences of Ugandan transnational fathers in Gothenburg Sweden.
(2021-02-25)The purpose of the study is to explore caring experiences of transnational Ugandan fathers in Gothenburg Sweden based on their caring lived realities taking in account of their understanding of care. The aims of the study ... -
Transnational Experiences of Ugandan Students in Gothenburg, Sweden; Challenges and Adaptation strategies
(2021-02-05)The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the transnational experiences of Ugandan students in Gothenburg; Sweden. The focus was to understand how cultural differences affect the academic and social life of these ... -
Piecing the Puzzle: Restorative Justice with Children and Young Offenders in Scandinavia, an Interview Study with Professionals
(2021-02-04)The modern roots of restorative justice in Scandinavia go back to the emergence of the mediation movement in Norway in the mid 1970s (Miers, 2001), a process that reached Sweden in the late 1980s (Wahlin, 2005). Victim ... -
Formal Foster Care in Ghana; The Experiences and Perceptions of Foster Children and Foster Parents
(2021-02-03)This paper reports on an exploratory qualitative study of seven (7) foster children and four (4) foster parents in formal foster care in Ghana using in depth semi structured- interviews. The sample was selected purposively ... -
A Systematic Review of Social work education and training programs in palliative and end-of-life care
(2021-01-13)Background: The advanced modern medicine and people’s open-minded attitudes about death call for the development of palliative and end-of-life care. Patients and their family members also promote higher requirement to the ... -
Racism and parenting: The experiences and resilience of Afro-origin parents raising children in Gothenburg, Sweden.
(2020-12-16)This study investigates and develops an in-depth understanding of the racism experienced by Afro-origin parents and their children in Gothenburg, Sweden, the toll it takes on them, and their coping strategies. It is a ... -
Dialogues for Care and Safety: The Role of Social Workers in Responding to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Unaccompanied Children
(2020-12-14)In the past years, Sweden has been faced with high numbers of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) who are fleeing war and turmoil from their home countries through Europe. These children are resilient but also face ... -
The Reclamation of Sami identity and the traces of Swedish colonialism : A qualitative study about the formation of Saminess and Sami identity
(2020-11-20)The purpose of this study was to study identity formation among Sami people. The aim was therefore to investigate how Saminess and Sami identity is formed and specifically the way the Sami community transfers the identity. ... -
Challenges of Service User Participation in Human Service Organisations: A Case Study in a Swedish Charity Organisation
(2020-10-19)This report aims to explore the failures of service user participation initiatives in human service organisations. Despite the positive portrayals of service user participation and goals towards implementation, often times ... -
Att matcha behov med insatser – En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterarens handlingsutrymme i arbetet med våld i nära relationer.
(2020-10-15)Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur socialarbetare arbetar med våld i nära relationer inom socialtjänsten i Göteborg Stad. Fokus har varit på vilket handlingsutrymme de upplever att de har att matcha behov med ... -
“Even if they live a destructive life, at least they won´t die” A qualitative study of how social workers at housing facilities for individuals in homelessness and substance abuse perceive and act upon violence against women
(2020-09-10)The aim of this study is, from a Swedish point of view, to investigate and analyse how social workers at housing facilities for people in homelessness and substance abuse perceive and act upon violence against women. ... -
EmpowermentofEthiopianwomenandtheachievementoftheUNMillennium DevelopmentGoals(MDGs)EmpowermentofEthiopianwomenandtheachievementoftheUNMillennium DevelopmentGoals(MDGs)
(2020-07-01)The aim of this study was to investigate the connection between rural Ethiopian women empowerment and the development progress process that Ethiopiais achieving contemporarily.It also studied whether the Millennium Development ... -
Samsyn och motsägelser i kunskapens namn En intervjustudie av socialchefers diskurser om socialsekreterares kunskapsinhämtning och -användning
(2020-06-29)Det finns flera skäl till att kunskap är viktigt att diskutera inom socialt arbete och inom socialtjänsten i synnerhet. I denna uppsats undersöker jag, genom kvalitativa intervjuer, hur socialchefer talar om socialsekreterares ... -
Managing conflicting professionalisms: social assistants work with unaccompanied minors within the Swedish municipal social services
(2020-06-12)This Masters thesis aimed to explore how social assistants have been impacted by the changes enforced since 2016 in their work with unaccompanied minors. They have worked in an ethically complex situation, of attempting ... -
Children in Prison: Contemplating Processes and Decisions to Separate the Children from their Mothers in Uganda
(2020-03-13)Introduction and context: With the number of imprisoned women who also double as mother continue to grow, so has the number of innocent children accompanying their mother behind bars. Around the World, different countries ... -
Masculinity and HIV The impact of men’s masculinities on risky behaviour in Umgungundlovu district, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
(2020-01-31)This study aimed at exploring the relationship between masculinities and HIV and AIDS. In so doing, the study sought to provide a thorough understanding of whether specific masculine identities influence men to indulge in ... -
The land of a thousand refused asylum seekers – the state of resources, coping strategies and prospects for the future: experiences of refused asylum seekers living in Finland
(2019-12-10)The aim of the thesis was to examine the experiences of refused asylum seekers in Finland by finding out their state of resources, coping strategies and prospects for the future. In addition, the thesis considered the ... -
Social Impacts of Climate Change on Women’s Health in Belize
(2019-10-09)The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether climate change affects women’s health in Belize, and if so, how. Belize, being a low-lying coastline country is prone to suffer from repercussions of climate change. The ...