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dc.contributor.authorEkbrand, Hans
dc.description.abstractThe report is an evaluation and documentation of a project aiming at preventing repeat victimisation (rv). Police reports collected during the project are also used to measure the extent of rv and to identify some patterns in the distribution of rv. The crime types investigated in this report are burglary in schools and small shops and non-lethal violent crimes. The project included professionals from the police and a local victim support service working together. The victims of violent crimes were offered help from the victim support service while the schools and small shops were contacted by the police. The project focused on supporting and empowering victims of violent crimes through informing victims about the juridical process, identifying high risk situations and -in the case of men’s violence against women with whom they live- motivating the women to separate from the man. To prevent repeat burglaries in schools the police informed and motivated the public company that hired out the buildings to the public schools to enhance the security, e.g. by installing unbreakable glass in the windows. The small shops that experienced a burglary were visited by the police officer and offered advice on how to prevent rv. Burglaries in schools was the crime type with highest levels of rv (80% of the police reports were preceded by at least one police report during the last 12 months). Survival analysis is used to analyse the effect of some background variables on the risk of rv. The only factor that has any measurable effect on the risk of rv is the number of previous crimes that the victim has experienced. Many victims rejected the offer of support that the professionals in the project gave them. There is no evidence that the support given from the professionals to the victims who did accept it decreased their risk of rv.eng
dc.format.extent598122 bytes
dc.relation.ispartofseriesResearch report 136eng
dc.relation.ispartofseriesForskningsrapport 136eng
dc.subjectcrime preventioneng
dc.subjectviolent crimeseng
dc.subjectmen's violence against womeneng
dc.titleInte en gång till. Utvärdering av brottsförebyggande arbete med inriktning mot upprepad utsatthetswe

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