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dc.contributor.authorNyström, Emelie
dc.description.abstractAims and objectives: This thesis aims to penetrate the humanistic approaches toward young inmates in correctional treatment within Swedish Kriminalvården in order to describe these approaches and also the potential conflicts in fulfilling them. The humanistic approaches are examined from concepts such as view of man, ethics, integrity and treatment. The objective is to gain knowledge of the day-to-day practice or actualization of these approaches. Method and data: The scientific approach is qualitative based on the openness this approach offers and the level of openness required by the primary aims of the thesis. Primary data was collected using the thematic open interview format in eight individual interviews. Secondary data was collected through document analysis of various publications and statements. Results: The study shows that view of man within Kriminalvården is humanistic with regards to individual adaption of treatment and that treatment is driven by selfmotivation. Constraints of the prison system sometimes hinder this. The study also shows fragility in managing ethical issues. The ethical directive of Kriminalvården does not express approaches to such issues, these ethics are based on the judgement of each prison worker. Integrity infringement is minimized by allowed space and selfmotivated participation but other obligations of the prison system sometimes interferes. Exercised treatment methods such as CBT have firm ties to humanistic values, but development and evaluation of methods are often based on a quantified and objectified view of
dc.subjectcorrectional treatmentsv
dc.subjectjuvenile convictssv
dc.subjectview of mansv
dc.titleHumanistiskt förankrade förhållningssätt gentemot unga i kriminalvårdensv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of Sociology and Work Scienceeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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