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dc.contributor.authorZapata, Patrik
dc.contributor.authorZapata Campos, María José
dc.descriptionA revised version of this paper is published in Habitat Internationalsv
dc.description.abstractImplementation gaps between policy goals and outcomes are of increasing concern in practice and research. We explore the translation chains through which urban policies become mobile and are translated into practice. Informed by the city management and policy mobility literature, we conduct a case study of La Chureca, the rubbish dump and slum of Managua, Nicaragua, and its renewal programme. The Acahualinca Programme was implemented via translation chains enacted by many policy translators. It was translated into residents' and waste collectors' interests, its language packaged in artefacts such as prototypes in order to travel. It was made mobile via relational sites or situations providing safe and accessible connections with Chureca residents. Paradoxically, these places also allowed extraordinary connections between actors located in different scales and spaces, facilitating unexpected local community resistance. Although the Program ultimately remained almost unalterable in content, resistance unexpectedly transformed residents from passive policy transmitters into active policy actors in making the city. We conclude that policy implementation cannot be seen as the scripted translation of plans into reality, but as an uncontrollable process in which multiple translations twist policies and plans from below. The significant question is therefore not whether plans succeed, but how they
dc.format.extent19 pagessv
dc.publisherSchool of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolansv
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSchool of Public Administration Working Papers Seriessv
dc.subjectPolicy mobilitysv
dc.subjectRelational sitessv
dc.subjectRelational situationssv
dc.subjectCity managementsv
dc.titleUnexpected translations in urban policy mobility. The case of the Acahualinca Development Programme in Managua, Nicaraguasv
dc.contributor.organizationGöteborgs universitetsv
dc.contributor.organizationUniversity of Gothenburgsv

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