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En studie om sju myndigheters arbete mot korruption
In recent years, several scandals have been revealed where public employees been involved. Some researchers argue, moreover, that the NPM's rampage has led to an increase in the risk of corruption in public administration. The Regulation on Internal Control shall, according to the government, lead to adequate protection against corruption by analyzing and managing risks. However, Riksrevisionen have criticized the authorities' protection against corruption to be too unstructured and unsystematic. In addition, they questioned whether the regulation really has significance in the work against corruption. The empirical research performed in this essay confirms these misgivings. The regulations of internal control doesn´t have an importance on the work against corruption. Instead, the authorities' efforts against corruption is characterized by education, work on values and policies. Further conclusions is that authorities do not use risk analyzes to counteract corruption because the risks is between what is manageable and not for the organization. Although, legitimacy and trust (reputational risk) is more important for the authorities than to actually prevent corruption (operational risk). Instead, authorities uses a more pragmatic institutionalized approach, ie work on values, policies and so on, which can be displayed for the government and citizens. This allows the authorities to obtain legitimacy, both internally and externally, and therefore they survive and obtain confidence.
Student essay
Jansson, Matilda
institutionell teori
risk management