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dc.descriptionGalleri Entrance was an experimental gallery within Academy Valand during the Fall term 2014. There were 5 exhibitions, four of which were curated by Leslie Johnson. Peter Ojstersek was co-founder of this gallery. Galleri Entrance was experimental in so far as it is not a traditional gallery space, but instead an entrance hall. The presence of art work in th eentrance to an art academy seemed like a good idea. The exhibiitons of Bo Melin and Kirke Kangro used the aspect of ”the institution” as a platform for their work. Arkiv/me also was based on an institutional connection—in this case reflection on history of
dc.subjectfri konstsv
dc.titleBo Melin: Queuesv
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorJohnson, Leslie
art.typeOfWorkCurated exhibitionsv
art.description.projectBo Melin, Artist presented an exhibition “Queue” which was based on the idea of people waiting to buy tickets or for admission to an event where the waiting period becomes a sort of camping with lawn chairs, food and

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