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dc.descriptionThe Pages is the webpage of How Across Reading. There, textual, sonic and visual material is composed, published and changed. The webpage works as a space for writing and continuous publication but also as a basis for performances and presentations, in which the page is read/played
dc.titleThe Pages, a part of Howe Across Reading – Performing the Pastsv
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorSandström, Imri
art.typeOfWorkWebpage – Installation, and performancesv
art.relation.publishedInThe Moderna Exhibition, Malmö 2014-2015sv
art.description.projectHowe Across Reading – Performing the Past is an artistic research project, within the field of literary composition. It is an investigation into the histories and languages of New England in the north east of USA and Västerbotten in the north of Sweden, with and through the writings of poet and literary scholar Susan Howe. The project looks at, and listens to, how sounds, times and spaces are generated in ongoing translation
 and inter-historical reading and writing across geographies, religions, and
art.description.supportedByHowe across Reading – Performing the Past is supported by Vetenskapsrådetsv

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