Semantic, thematic or unrelated? A study about how English textbooks for Upper Secondary School present new vocabulary
This study is an analysis of how four textbooks, directed at students in upper secondary
school, present new vocabulary: in semantic sets, in themes or in unrelated groups. It aims
to show how vocabulary is presented, whether the way it is organized is in agreement with
the pedagogical implications found in previous research. It also aims to somewhat facilitate
teachers’ evaluation of textbooks. The material consists of four books published after 2012,
since there was a new Swedish curriculum in 2011 (Gy11). The possible effects of this
change should therefore not affect the results in this study. For analyzing these books, I
have used content analysis with mixed modes, that is, with traits from both quantitative and
qualitative usage of content analysis.
Many researchers favor the thematic organization of new vocabulary. It has shown
to help learners retrieve words from memory more easily. Presenting new vocabulary in
unrelated sets neither helps nor impedes learning. The semantic organization has shown to
impede learning. Despite this, researchers claim that textbooks primarily present new
vocabulary in semantic sets. However, this study shows different results than those
previously conducted. This could depend on, for example, the possibly different traditions
in Swedish schools or that the text types might be different from those observed in
previous research.
This study clearly shows that textbooks do not follow the directions provided by
research. Even though Skolverket clearly states that teachers have to be up to date with
research, many teachers do not have enough time to evaluate textbooks. Textbook writers
however, have to keep in mind what sells and what does not. The significant differences
between the results in this study and others lead to the conclusion that more research is needed in the field.
Student essay
Åberg, Charlottte
Textbook analysis
SPL Kandidatuppsats i engelska
SPL 2014-107