A Study of Trust in Open Source Software
This study developed an algorithm which can be used to identify trust network from
evaluation network. The algorithm developed uses global trust value of the members
and their evaluation network to approximate local trust between members who are not
directly connected to each other. Moreover, the computed approximated local trust
was used to examine to what extent evaluation network can approximate trust information
within OSS community and the results show that it is possible to approximate
trust information by using evaluation network. Furthermore, this study analyses the
likeliness of evaluation between members having di erent trust rank status. So, clustering
of members was done and evaluation between groups shows that "Richer gets
rich"phenomenon and about 72% of member evaluated other members through their
members account pro les and 28% evaluated other members through their accounts as
contributors. This means that a lot of members are likely to evaluate other member
because they have much of information about their personal details rather than their
contribution details in di erent projects. Finally, the study uses one of the contribution
metric known as man month to analyses the evolution of trust ranks against time based
on members contributions. Furthermore, results show that the developers contribution
will make him or her to be trusted in OSS community. Qualitative study was conducted
to analyses the data collected from OpenHub data repository. This is because OpenHub
data repository o ers data of di erent projects, developers activities in OSS communities
and trust information like kudo rank which are signi cant base data used to conduct
this study.
Student essay