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dc.contributor.authorBernerman, Maja
dc.descriptionUppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Bygghantverk, 22,5 hp,
dc.description.abstractA common problem often addressed, within the field of conservation, is the use of plasters and mortars containing cement on old buildings where traditional local lime mortars originally have been used. Documentation thru out the last 50 years has shown that these conventional mortars can affect the building in a negative way. Today production of pure air lime exists but only in the county of Gotland. Natural hydraulic lime from Sweden is however not possible to buy at all on the market. The literature that I have found about lime burning has mostly been regarding burning in more permanent or industrial ovens. The Swedish literature that contains information of field kiln is limited. The descriptions are very brief or vague and often are deeper analysis, of why a procedure is the way it is, lacking. This study aims to investigate a field kilns construction and how the burning procedure can be executed. The purpose is that the research can be used as guidance if there is a need or wish to burn local limestone. First a literature study of the relevant sources is carried out. Then a practical experiment of building and burning limestone in a field kiln is executed. The practical experiment is accounted for in a process description that illustrates and discusses the field kilns construction, approach to heating and observations on how these elements affects each other and the lime burning
dc.subjectLime burningsv
dc.subjectfield kilnsv
dc.subjectlocal lime burningsv
dc.titleKalkbränning i fältugn. Tillvägagångssätt vid uppbyggnad och eldningsv
dc.title.alternativeLime burning in a field kiln – procedure of construction and burningsv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Conservationeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvårdswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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