dc.description.abstract | Problematization:
Third stream activities (TSA) is one of the University's relationships with society and are all
those ways that researchers inform the public about research knowledge. TSA is a democratic
service and can be viewed as part of a researcher´s role as a public employee. Today there is no
systematic way that this performance is observed or measured (Kasperowski & Bragesjö, 2011).
This means that TSAperformance
is not rewarding in terms of financial outcomes or career
development for the individual employee. So why do the human resources at the University still
perform? And why do some perform but not others?
In HRMstudies,
we would understand this phenomenon by including the AMOmodel
HRM positively influence individual ability (A), motivation (M) and opportunity(O) to enhance
performance (Boxall & Purcell, 2011). However, in the HRMfield
there is a scientific problem
of the linkage between HRM and performance and there are no conclusive results that show that
the AMOmodel
links HRM and performance (Boselie & Paauwe, 2005).
The purpose of this study is to address the scientific problem of the link between HRM and
performance, with a focus on the AMOmodel,
which is described by the formula
Performance = f (Ability, Motivation, Opportunity). By utilizing the alternative approach of an
theoretical framework, the study aims to understand what emotions are
connected to the University's performance on a microlevel
within the performance area of third
stream activities (TSA).
This study has an interpretative approach, which means that the study aims to understand and
interpret the event of performance in TSA by discovering the feelings and emotional responses
that researchers connect to their performance; thereby an appropriate research design to choose is
qualitative research. One of the two main types of qualitative research is to carry out indepth
interviews (Hakim, 2009). This is integrated as one part that constructs the method of grounded
theory method (GTM) (Charmaz, 2006). GTM starts with data and the data collected in this
study are emotions, emotional responses and feelings connected to the ability, motivation and
opportunity to perform in TSA. The data has been collected by the process of 11 indepth
interviews with researchers at a Swedish university.
Social emotion such as selfconfidence
are important for, and connected to, the motivation,
ability and opportunity to perform in media TSA for public employees of researchers. The social
emotions and emotional responses tied to the context of TSA performance are presented in this
study as a model called e motional performance process. Within this emotional performance
process the individual employee feels both emotionally rewarded and emotionally drained. This
study shows that media TSA performance is not only a matter of knowing how to perform. It is
also a matter of how the employee feels about performing. This emotional experience also plays
a role for future performances. | sv |