Religionsdialogens mening - En religionssociologisk studie av deltagande i Interreligiösa Centret i Göteborg
The meaning of religious dialogue - A sociology of religions approach to the participation in the Interreligious Center in Gothenburg
The following thesis makes an effort to present, analyze and discuss the subject of religious dialogue and individuals who participate in activities surrounding it.
The result is presented with data regarding the demographic variables of participants, as well as the qualitative such as interviews showing individuals thoughts on the meaning of religious dialogue. The theoretical approach includes thoughts from Gordon Lynch, Peter Berger and Tomas Luckmann as well as Ole Riis and Linda Woodhead have been important
talking about the sacred form, realities and models for explaining community, symbol and agent relationships that are applicable in this thesis paper as well as Abby Days concept of believing in belonging. The conclusion that has been reached is that religious dialogue in itself is not a sacred form although individuals expressed their participation as part of their personal religious goals and the survey found a large norm among the informants around the
dialogue as well as learning, about religion, other people and their perception of reality.
Respondents also generally lived in Gothenburg and were over 30 years old, more women than men answered the survey and the interviews were four with two men and two women participating.
Student essay
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Moslih Launing, Yasmine
Religious dialogue
sociology of religion
sociology of emotions
the sacred