Performing Resistance – on Art, Academism and Activism and Resistance and the Institution
The seminar Art, Academism and Activism was undertaken in collaboration with the Valand Academy and the cultural platform Skogen on May 29, 2015 and constitutes a part of my ongoing research project Performing Resistance.
The seminar Resistance and the Institution was undertaken in collaboration with the Valand Academy and the cultural platform Skogen on November 20, 2015 and constitutes a part of my ongoing research project Performing Resistance.
Supported by
The Valand Academy Research Board
Description of project
Performing Resistance is a currently ongoing research project within my artistic practice. It concerns itself with the question of what strategies of resistance that can be extracted from art and the academic institution and how they may contribute to counteracting contemporary neo-liberal agendas. Central issues in the investigation are the relationship between inside and outside, between thinking and doing, between antagonism and cooperation and between citizenship and activism. Furthermore, the project should be seen as an attempt to create an interdisciplinary platform for discussing resistance.
The structure of the research project consist of three interdependent parts:
- a series of interdisciplinary seminars on resistance, involving participants not only from within the area of art, but from different fields of the humanities.
- the Archive for Resistance Strategies, located at Skogen and gathering the different strategies and tools for manifesting political resistance from within the institution that emanate from the seminars.
- the performing of the archive material in the form of art pieces, actions, workshops, discussions lectures and other activities to activate, test and realize the archive contents.
Art, Academism and Activism was the first seminar within the framework of the project. Keynote speakers were professor of Fine Arts Dr Andrea Phillips, researcher and senior lecturer Jessica Baines and artist, writer and activist Gregory Sholette. Invited discussants were professor of Sociology Staffan Vinthagen, Associate Sociology professor Åsa Wettergren and artist Lisa Nyberg. Furthermore, the group Psychic Warfare contributed to the seminar with a performance event. The seminar debated the relationship between the areas of art, academism and activism and the possibilities of manifesting political resistance from a position inside of the institution. It took place at the Valand Academy and, for the evening part of the arrangement, at the independent cultural platform Skogen. -
Resistance and the Institution:
Resistance and the Institution was the second seminar, featuring keynote speakers Mikkel Bolt (art historian and political theorist), Frederikke Hansen (curator and co-founder of Kuratorisk Aktion and CAMP) and Karl Sjölund & Erik Bryngelsson (philosophers and performance artists). Further elements that informed the context were a performance piece by the group Yak Kallop and a sightseeing trip by bus through Gothenburg. This second seminar debated the practical and theoretical possibilities of putting the intellectual and material resources of the institution to use in a way that contribute to political resistance. It took place at Järnhallen, at the independent cultural platform Skogen (both in Gothenburg) and at the bus during the trip described above and was supported by the Valand Academy.
Type of work
Published in
Performing Resistance – on Art, Academism and Activism. The seminar took place at the Valand Academy, Universtiy of Gothenburg, and at the cultural platform Skogen.
Performing Resistance – Resistance and the Institution. The seminar took place at the Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg, at Järnhallen and at the cultural platform Skogen.
Link to web site
Lundgren, Annika
Publication type
artistic work