Subsistenslön och lönedoktrin i den industriella revolutionen.
Marx, de klassiska ekonomerna och den ekonomisk-historiska diskussionen om levnadsstandard och reallöneutveckling
The essay is about the doctrines and estimations of workers’ wages during the
Industrial Revolution in the late 18th and early 19th century Britain. It explores, by
way of textual analysis and ideology critique the doctrines of the classical
economists and Marx, and relates the results to the standard-of-living debate in
Economic History since the early 1980s. The overall result provides with the
argument that the doctrines of the classics, and in particular Marx’s critique of
political economy, offer an understanding of the determination of workers’ wages in
capitalism adequate also for our time, and that quantitative basket-of-goods
measurement has its raison d’être in such an overall social and historical analysis of
wages, growth, and development.
Student essay
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Jung, Henrik
Standard of living, wages, industrial revolution, classical economy, Marx, capitalism, class
Series/Report no.
Kandidatuppsats inom Ekonomisk historia