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dc.contributor.authorEliasson, Malin
dc.description.abstractAims and objectives: Drug abuse is a not only a considerable public health problem, it´s a serious social and societal issue that society should try it´s best to solve, or at least reduce. With this study, I would like to illustrate one important apspect of the social and societal issues, the situation for women drug abusers. By listening to their stories - about life, drug addicition and the organizational obstacles they have run into I hope to find out and identify what parts they have missed and what problems they have faced. I also want to highlight especially women´s experiences, because I want the people who is involved in women drug addiction treatment reach a better understanding of why women get into drug additcion and why they often are unable to get out of it. Method and data: From a hermeneutic perspective, qualitative and narrative interviews have been made with eight female drug abusers. Results: Lack of control and lack of social bonds are the two most important factors that initially, along with other aspects such as sexual abuse and a problematic social upbringing, lead young women into drug abuse. Further, a strong feeling of being misunderstood by society as well as authorities and the lack of a home have kept them in drug addiction. What also became clear in the study was that all women had used techniques of neutralization to help them justify the criminal action of drug abuse. Keywords: Drug addiction, Female addiction, Housing first, Techniques of neutralization, Social bonds, Organisation
dc.subjectDrug addictionsv
dc.subjectFemale addictionsv
dc.subjectHousing firstsv
dc.subjectTechniques of neutralizationsv
dc.subjectSocial bondssv
dc.subjectOrganisation Theorysv
dc.titleOM INTE… En narrativ studie om hur bakgrund och organisatoriska hinder påverkar kvinnors narkotikamissbruksv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of Sociology and Work Scienceeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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