Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 787
I spänningsfältet mellan kontroll och utveckling. En policystudie av systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i kommunen, förskolan och fritidshemmet.
(2015-11-20)The aim of this thesis is to explore how Systematic quality development work (Sqdw) is enacted in municipalities, preschools and leisure-time centres. In Sweden Sqdw comes within the statutory obligations of preschools ... -
Mind the Gap - Ethnography about cultural reproduction of difference and disadvantage in urban education
(2015-11-06)This thesis examines cultural reproduction of difference and disadvantage in the pedagogical content and practices in urban education. Cultural differentiation is seen as a social and ideological practice that is constructed ... -
Ageing and Conservation of Silk - Evaluation of Three Support Methods Using Artificiallay Aged Silk
(2015-10-19)The general aim of this thesis is to evaluate common remedial conservation support methods used in the conservation treatments of fragile silk costumes that have experienced physical damage. It is based on five papers. ... -
Rektorers praktiker i möte med utvecklingsarbete. Möjligheter och hinder för planerad förändring
(2015-10-16)This thesis focuses on how principals’ practices in improvement work are formed and how these practices affect principals’ possibilities to work with planned change. The study takes its departure from ten Upper Secondary ... -
Autism-in-context. An investigation of schooling of children with a diagnosis of autism in urban India
(2015-10-07)Informed by the significance given to context in the postcolonial critique of disability in the South, the overall aim of this thesis is to develop a contextual understanding of the schooling of children diagnosed as being ... -
Kön, kropp, begär och teknik: Passion och instrumentalitet på två tekniska högskoleprogram
(2015-09-30)This thesis addresses the co-production of gender and technology as articulated in two programs at a Swedish university of technology: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Chemical Engineering (CE). It builds on the ... -
”I svenska två vågar jag prata mer och så”. En didaktisk studie om skolämnet svenska som andraspråk
(2015-09-23)This thesis takes its point of departure in recent criticism directed at the Swedish school system, especially regarding the fact that students with a foreign background do not get the same opportunities or attain the same ... -
Å lære å undervise i kroppsøving. Design for utvikling av teoribasert undervisning og kritisk refleksjon i kroppsøvingslærerutdanningen
(2015-09-11)Applying pedagogical theory in professional practice and developing critical awareness are important objectives in teacher education in Sweden. Current evidence indicates that these objectives are difficult to achieve in ... -
Pedagogisk utveckling genom kollegial granskning:Fallet Lärande Besök utifrån aktör-nätverksteori
(2015-09-04)The thesis is analyzing historical and present traces of a program for collegial reviewing of teaching instruction and school work. It is designed and deployed within three municipalities in Western Sweden called “Learning ... -
Makt, kön och diskurser: En etnografisk studie om elevers aktörsskap och positioneringar i undervisningen
(2015-08-26)Abstract Title: Power, gender and discourse. An ethnographic study of pupils’ positioning in teaching Author: Kristina Lanå Language: Swedish with an English summary ISBN 978-91-7346-837-4 (tryckt) ISBN ... -
Förskolebarns strävanden att kommunicera matematik
(2015-06-05)Abstract Title: Preschool children’s efforts to communicate mathematics Author: Marita Lundström Language: Swedish with an English summary ISBN: 978-91-7346-835-0 (tryckt) ISBN: 978-91-7346-836-7 (pdf) ISSN: ... -
Yrkesetik i lärarutbildning - en balanskonst
(2015-05-21)The aim of the study is to examine and to increase the understanding of how student teachers implicitly (in action) and explicitly (through oral and written statements) express and learn professional ethics and what these ... -
Fostran i förskolan
(2015-05-21)Upbringing in preschool. Keywords: Upbringing, relational, uniqueness, order, existence, lifeworld, Preschool. The purpose of the current study is to generate knowledge about the preschool teacher’s incitements to action ... -
Naturvetenskap möter etik: En klassrumsstudie av elevers diskussioner om samhällsfrågor relaterade till bioteknik
(2015-05-08)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to increased understanding of students’ learning from discussing different socio-scientific issues in connection to biotechnology. In the international literature there is a call ... -
Helpdesking: Knowing and learning in IT support practices
(2015-04-01)The background of this doctoral thesis is an interest in work achievement over extended time periods in specialized and technology-infused workplaces. Globalization, digitalization and increased focus on customer services ... -
Reasoning in a Science Classroom
(2015-03-26)In research on science education, there is a need to further understand the relation between longer and shorter processes of teaching and learning in the classroom. With a theoretical framework based on dialogical theories ... -
Bruk av kalk och sand ur ett hantverkligt perspektiv
(2015-02-25) -
Skolehuset som kulturminne - Lokale verdier og nasjonal kulturminneforvaltning
(2015-01-27)The aim of this work is to analyse how buildings linked to public education, nation building and democratisation, have been esteemed as heritage within a local context and by authorised heritage authorities. This comprehensive ... -
Den utsatta konsten. Att förvalta konst i offentlig miljö – etik, lagstiftning och värdeförändring
(2014)Syftet med denna licentiatuppsats är att öka kunskapen om förutsättningarna för förvaltning, tillsyn och konservering avseende lös och byggnadsanknuten konst beställd av stat, landsting och kommuner i Sverige under ...