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dc.contributor.authorWernersson, Amandasv
dc.description.abstractAbstract Title: You are welcome in – An interview study about teachers’ experiences of recently arrived pupils in the classroom Language: Swedish Keywords: Swedish as a second language, recently arrived pupils, inclusion, academic success The Swedish school has two general approaches when receiving recently arrived pupils: a separate teaching outside the ordinary classroom with a teacher who has expertise in second language learning, or an inclusion of these pupils in the ordinary classroom. Swedish schools often combine the two general approaches. When including recently arrived pupils in the ordinary classroom the teacher thereby has an important role in supporting and leading these pupils towards second language acquisition and academic success. Studies have shown that pupils with Swedish as their second language experience difficulties in achieving academic success. The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers’ experiences of having recently arrived pupils in the ordinary classroom. A qualitative method with interviews were used as a method for answering the research question: What do teachers’ experience as possible obstacles when including recently arrived pupils in the ordinary classroom? It is to be assumed that due to absence of language development in the instruction language there are some obstacles when it comes to teaching the recently arrived pupils. The data material were analysed by a thematic analyse combined with a hermeneutic approach. The obstacles that these teachers describe refer to difficulties in communicating, in encouraging a more frequent use of the second language instead of the native language and in planning and organising teaching in a group of pupils with big differences in learning and language development. The teachers also describe difficulties in assessing and they hope for a higher level of the Swedish language for stimulating the second language development. That there is a difference between the separatesv
dc.titleDu är välkommen in En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares upplevelser kring hinder gällande inkludering av nyanlända elever i den ordinarie undervisningensv
dc.contributor.departmentInstitutionen för didaktik och pedagogisk professionsv
dc.type.degreeStudent essaysv

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