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dc.descriptionNiclas Östlind co-curator and co-editior Curatorial team: Louise Wolthers, Dragana Vujanovic, Hasselblad Center and myself. The book Watched! Is published in conjunction with the exhibition is in
dc.subjectcontemporary art and photographysv
dc.subjectEuropean experiences and societiessv
dc.titleWatched! Surveilance, Art and Photography (Exhibition and book)sv
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorÖstlind, Niclas
dc.contributor.creatorWolthers, Louise
dc.contributor.creatorVujanovic, Dragana
art.typeOfWorkCurated thematic exhibition and
art.relation.publishedInThe exhibition was first shown at Hasselblad Center (28 May-2 Oct), and is travelling to Kusthal Aarhus (16 Nov-31 Dec), and C/O Berlin (17 Feb-21 May 2017).sv
art.description.projectThe exhibition Watched! Surveillance, Art and Photography reflects on the complexities of contemporary surveillance, with a specific attention to photography. The works in the exhibition are from the last ten years, and they convey different approaches to surveillance: from technologies used by state and authorities to everyday monitoring practices that have become an integrated part of our lives, especially within social media. Contemporary surveillance is not limited to visual monitoring, but in order to understand how surveillance works, it is still1 necessary to address the photographic. Our entire existence is being photographed and visualized to an unprecedented degree. This raises new questions about voluntary and involuntary visibility, as well photohistorical issues of watching and being watched. The artists in Watched! appropriate imagery and apply CCTV, Facial Recognition Technology, Google Street View, life-logging and virtual animation. They also reactivate older practices of spying, exposure and voyeurism. Conceptually, they probe issues of security, which are used as arguments for enhanced surveillance, but which often ignore the discriminatory scrutiny, criminalization and vulnerability that follow. The viewer is invited to think about how we can live in a society of multiple surveillance networks without contributing to the inequalities that surveillance produces, and instead engage in inclusive and empowering. The book, which also has the title Watched!, expand further on the issue of surveillance, art and photography. It contains a number of essays, which are exploring the problems and possibilities of both surveillance and the counter activity called sousveillance from aesthetical, philosophical, political and sociological point of views. It also gives more examples of how different the artistic practises are addressing the contemporary surveillance
art.description.summaryWatched! investigate and present how artists critically analyse the contemporary society and the increasing surveillance of people and communities. Watched! focus on the development in Europe during the last decade, and how the war against terrorism has changed the political, economic and military

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