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dc.contributor.authorRydenvald, Marie
dc.description.abstractThe overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding and extended knowledge about the multilingualism and language use of teenagers with Swedish backgrounds who live abroad and participate in Swedish instruction. This thesis is based on four empirical studies comprised of a total of 143 high school students. Three of the studies are based on data from a questionnaire and analyzed by means of descriptive and inferential statistics. The fourth study is based on a three-fold set of data, including self-recordings, interviews, and a questionnaire, that was analyzed by using nexus analysis. The results indicate that the multilingualism and language use of the participants are dynamic and complex. Although social domains (e.g. home, school, and social life with friends and peers) appear to have an impact on the participants’ language use, there is heterogeneity in the patterns of language use. These results are discussed in the light of domain theory and the dynamic perspective on multilingualism. According to the results, the language of instruction plays a vital role in their participants’ multilingualism regardless of whether it is a L1, L2 or foreign language. It is argued in the thesis that the conception of these linguistic terms becomes challenged by the language use in the international globalized society. The main principles of language choice among the participants in the fourth study are those of inclusion and, what I metaphorically define as, ‘the least common denominator’. The principles of language choice are discussed in the light of the multilingual educational environment that these teenagers are a part of. Methodologically, the fourth study illustrates the importance of triangulating data. The results show a discrepancy between the participants’ reported language use and the face-to-face interaction in the self-recordings. Finally, the participants share a Swedish speaking background but the extents to which they use Swedish in their everyday lives
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGöteborgsstudier i nordisk språkvetenskapsv
dc.relation.haspartI. Rydenvald, Marie 2014. "Det var svårt att välja eftersom jag har två språk". Svenska bland flerspråkiga ungdomar i Europa. I: Lindström, Jan m.fl. (red.) Svenskans beskrivning 33. Förhandlingar vid Trettiotredje sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning. Helsingfors den 15-17 maj 2013. Helsingfors: Helsingfors universitet, s.
dc.relation.haspartII. Rydenvald, Marie 2015. Elite bilingualism? Language use among multilingual teenagers of Swedish background in European Schools and international schools in Europe. Journal of Research in International Education 14(3), pp. 213-227. ::doi::10.1177/1475240915614935sv
dc.relation.haspartIII. Rydenvald, Marie 2016. Familjens och skolans roll i utlandsboende svensktalande ungdomars flerspråkighet. Nordand 11(1), s.
dc.relation.haspartRydenvald, Marie (submitted). Who speaks what language to whom and when - rethought in the context of European
dc.subjectmultilingual teenagerssv
dc.subjectlanguage usesv
dc.subjectlanguage choicesv
dc.subjectL1, L2sv
dc.subjectdynamic multilingualismsv
dc.subjectcomplexity theorysv
dc.subjectdomain theorysv
dc.subjectnational Swedish education abroadsv
dc.subjectinternational educationsv
dc.subjectelite bilingualismsv
dc.titleInflätat och överlappande. Flerspråkighet och språkanvändning bland svensktalande ungdomar i Europasv
dc.type.svepDoctoral thesiseng
dc.type.degreeDoctor of Philosophysv
dc.gup.originGöteborgs universitet. Humanistiska fakultetenswe
dc.gup.originUniversity of Gothenburg. Faculty of Artseng
dc.gup.departmentDepartment of Swedish ; Institutionen för svenska språketsv
dc.gup.defenceplaceLördagen den 25 mars 2017, kl. 10.00, sal T302, Olof Wijksgatan 6, Göteborg (gamla hovrätten)sv

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