Thermal tolerance in teleost fish –importance of cardiac oxygen supply, ATP production and autonomic control
Temperature tolerance is a key determinant of the resilience and adaptability of fish facing a
warmer and more thermally variable future with climate change. Yet, the underlying
physiological mechanisms determining the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) are poorly
understood. This thesis investigated the physiological determinants of CTmax in teleost fish,
focusing on cardiovascular function. An inability of the heart to pump and supply the body tissues
with oxygenated blood could constrain whole animal tolerance to high temperatures. This has
been hypothesized to be related to an oxygen limitation of the heart, which receives its oxygen
supply via the venous blood (luminal circulation), and in some species also via a coronary
This hypothesis was first tested by evaluating the relationship between luminal oxygen
supply, via continuous recordings of the venous oxygen tension (PVO2), and in vivo
cardiovascular performance and CTmax in European perch (Perca fluviatilis). Perch were sampled
from the Baltic Sea (reference, 18°C) and the Biotest enclosure (24°C, Biotest) that is chronically
warmed by cooling water effluents from a nuclear power plant. While CTmax was 2.2°C higher
in Biotest compared to reference perch, cardiac failure (i.e. reduced heart rate and cardiac output)
occurred at similar PVO2. By artificially increasing the oxygen availability to the heart through
water hyperoxia (200% air saturation), it was revealed that while heart rate still declined at high
temperatures, cardiac stroke volume and cardiac output were maintained. This demonstrates that
mainly stroke volume is sensitive to limitations in luminal oxygen supply. In rainbow trout
(Onchorhynchus mykiss), coronary blood flow first increased with moderate warming, but
plateaued at higher temperatures suggesting limitations to the coronary vasodilatory reserve.
Ligation of the coronary artery reduced CTmax and impaired cardiac performance during
warming, which was reflected in an elevated heart rate across temperatures, possibly to
compensate for an impaired myocardial contractility and stroke volume of the oxygen deprived
A thermal impairment of mitochondrial ATP production could also explain reductions
in cardiac performance of acutely warmed fish. This hypothesis was tested by evaluating the
catalytic capacities of key enzymes involved in ATP production in the perch heart. The main
findings suggest that mitochondrial function is impaired at critically high temperatures by a
reduced production of NADH and FADH2 in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which provides the
electrons necessary for driving mitochondrial ATP production. Moreover, a temperature
dependent failure of several complexes in the electron transport chain was observed, which
would also limit the synthesis of ATP at high temperatures. Indications of an increase in oxidative
capacity were observed in the warm acclimated Biotest perch, which may be associated with
their improved cardiac thermal performance and elevated CTmax.
Finally, it was hypothesized that cholinergic inhibition of heart rate could improve
cardiac oxygenation during warming, and that adrenergic stimulation may improve cardiac
contractility at high temperatures and reduced cardiac oxygen availability. These hypotheses
were tested in rainbow trout by pharmacologically blocking the cholinergic and adrenergic input
to the heart. However, neither of the treatments resulted in earlier onset of cardiac failure during
acute warming, or a reduced CTmax. This could reflect that the heart was adequately oxygenated
via compensatory increases in coronary flow, and/or that an increased cardiac filling pressure
served to maintain cardiac output.
Collectively, these findings provide novel insights into the causal factors underlying
thermal tolerance and cardiac failure during acute warming in teleost fish in vivo. While whole
animal thermal tolerance limits likely involve thermal failure at several levels of physiological
organization, a failing heart undoubtedly plays a crucial role for the sensitivity of fish to a warmer
and more thermally extreme future.
Parts of work
I. Ekström, A., Brijs, J., Clark, T. D., Gräns, A., Jutfelt, F.
and Sandblom, E. (2016). Cardiac oxygen limitation during
an acute thermal challenge in the European perch: effects of
chronic environmental warming and experimental hyperoxia.
American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative
and Comparative Physiology. 311, R440-449. ::doi::10.1152/ajpregu.00530.2015 II. Ekström, A., Axelsson, M., Gräns, A., Brijs., and
Sandblom, E. (2017) Influence of the coronary circulation on
thermal tolerance and cardiac performance during warming in
rainbow trout. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory,
Integrative and Comparative Physiology. In Press ::doi::10.1152/ajpregu.00536.2016 III. Ekström, A.,Sandblom, E., Blier, P.U., Dupont Cyr, B-A.,
Brijs, J. and Pichaud, N. (2016) Thermal sensitivity and
phenotypic plasticity of cardiac mitochondrial metabolism in
European perch, Perca fluviatilis. Journal of Experimental
Biology. 220: 386-396 ::doi::10.1242/jeb.150698 IV. Ekström, A., Jutfelt, F. and Sandblom, E. (2014). Effects
of autonomic blockade on acute thermal tolerance and
cardioventilatory performance in rainbow trout,
Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Thermal Biology 44, 47-54. ::doi::10.1016/j.jtherbio.2014.06.002
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Science
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences ; Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap
Fredagen den 28 april 2017, kl.10.00 i föreläsningssalen, Zoologen, Medicinaregatan 18A, Göteborg
Date of defence
Ekström, Andreas
global warming
Publication type
Doctoral thesis
978-91-629-0088-5 (Print)
978-91-629-0087-8 (PDF)