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dc.contributor.authorTAHIRI, MËRGIM
dc.description.abstractIt is a common understanding that women continue to be strikingly under-represented in peace processes despite the emerge of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) which assesses the important role of women and their full involvement in promotion of peace and security. Through key informant interviewing as the main methodology, this study looks into different understandings and explanations given by current and former government officials from both Kosovo and Serbia, EU officials, and representatives of civil society. This provides a variety of perspectives on the questions of if and why women are excluded from the ongoing peace process between Kosovo and Serbia. The findings indicate that there are particular challenges such as discriminatory and patriarchal attitude towards women, lack of women in politics and public administration, economical dependency are some among many factors that hinder women from being present at the negotiation
dc.titleWHERE ARE THE WOMEN? HINDERING FACTORS TO WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION IN EU- FACILITATED DIALOGUE: KOSOVO – SERBIA DIALOGUE AS A CASE STUDY A qualitative interview research on perceived factors that hinder women to participate in EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbiasv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionenswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Political Scienceeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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