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dc.contributor.authorStööp Lindgren, Felix
dc.contributor.authorWedberg, Johan
dc.description.abstractThis study is a systematic literature review paper which aims to present an overview over the last years research in the EU, Norway and Switzerland that deals with workplace parking. This has been done with a systematic search through the scientific search engines Scopus and Google Scholar. The keyword phrase used was “workplace AND parking”. Ten peer reviewed articles were found using predetermined criterias and two articles were qualified from reference lists. The theoretical framework used has been about sustainable development, sustainable mobility and five categories of management control measures. The results show that regulation of workplace parking supply and fees are the most discussed methods. Within these two, supply management is most effective by itself but combining the two might be even more effective. When using parking fees, what matters a lot is how often you have to pay. Paying every day or by the hour is a lot more effective in reducing car use than if monthly payment is used. The category of instruments that was discussed the most was “taxes and fees” while only one article was about “technical solutions”. An important conclusion is that combining different interventions is preferable to reach sustainable mobility. The last years research comes from a very concentrated part of Europe and is made mostly using quantitative method which is why focus now should lie on diversifying research to reach more accurate
dc.relation.ispartofseriesKandidatuppsats i Kulturgeografisv
dc.subjecthållbar mobilitetsv
dc.subjecthållbar utvecklingsv
dc.titleEfterfrågan på arbetsplatsparkering - En systematisk forskningsöversikt av styrmedels effektersv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of Economy and Societyeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / Institutionen för ekonomi och samhälleswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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