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dc.contributor.authorBerntson, Alva
dc.contributor.authorJohansson, Sofia
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to study how organizational culture is shaped. By a critical approach the aim is to study how employees experience the work and through these insights find out when an organization is in need for strategies as a further support to the organizational culture. The study is based on a qualitative survey to exemplify the phenomenon. The chosen study object is the Scandinavian hotel group Nordic Choice Hotels and most of the collected material comes from one of their hotels, Clarion Hotel Post. The collected material mainly consists of interviews but also secondary sources like annual reports, websites etc. The organizational culture on the studied object is regarded as quite strong but do have some parts like the communication to all different departments where it can be improved. The conclusion is thereby that an organization can create a culture through recruiting people with similar values as the company and having ongoing internal communication as well as good and informative introductions to newly hired employees. Furthermore, nonhierarchical environment as well as further education where career opportunities is promoted was a contributing part. Also, the relevance of strong leaders and middle management have been proven important in the creation of the organizational culture at Nordic Choice Hotels. Though, there is a certain point where it is relevant to have strategies for the culture for the company to run smoothly. In departments where the management has little or no contact, there might be good to have more strategies so that the employees in those departments also feel valuable, seen and not getting forgotten in the everyday work. Supporting strategies might be needed to create a more unified image of the organizational culture where everyone feels
dc.relation.ispartofseriesManagement & organisationsv
dc.subjectNordic Choice Hotelsisv
dc.subjectmedarbetarnas resonemangsv
dc.titleAtt skapa företagskultur - hur långt räcker arbetet och när behövs ytterligare strategier?sv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Business Administrationeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Företagsekonomiska institutionenswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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