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dc.subjectDesign-led researchsv
dc.subjectparticipatory researchsv
dc.subjectpublic analysesv
dc.subjectexperimental analysesv
dc.subjectlanguage playsv
dc.titleThe Car Wrestlers: Trading Rules, Changing Rolessv
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorVaneycken, Annelies
art.typeOfWorkA public analyse series, including dialogues, workshops, exhibition and a reflection with
art.relation.publishedInExhibition: “The Car Wrestlers: Trading Rules, Changing Roles “, part of “TRADERS Open School: The city could be otherwise” at Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (21—30 April 2017).sv
art.relation.publishedInPublic analyse: “The Car Wrestlers: Trading Rules, Changing Roles “, part of “TRADERS Open School: The city could be otherwise” at Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (24—28 April 2017).sv
art.relation.publishedInWorkshop: “Forum Reading”, part of “TRADERS Open School: The city could be otherwise” at Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (27 April 2017).sv
art.relation.publishedInPublic reflection with Sven de Visscher part of “TRADERS Open School: The city could be otherwise” at Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (27 April 2017).sv
art.relation.publishedInGrowing compendium: “The Car Wrestlers: Trading Rules, Changing Roles” (May 2017).sv
art.description.workIncludedExhibition: “The Car Wrestlers: Trading Rules, Changing Roles “, part of “TRADERS Open School: The city could be otherwise” at Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (21—30 April 2017).sv
art.description.workIncludedPublic analyse: “The Car Wrestlers: Trading Rules, Changing Roles “, part of “TRADERS Open School: The city could be otherwise” at Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (24—28 April 2017). Making the process and preliminary outcomes of a research analysis public does not only imply that the process will be made accessible to ‘the public’ by presentation but also by inviting various publics — other artists and designers, peers, as well as citizens — to actively participate in reflecting on what happened from their own contexts. What is the role of ambiguity as enabler for the negotiation of rules and roles when designing and performing Participatory Design workshops with children? was the main question that directed the analyse and reflections on the situations generated from The Car Wrestlers moment, part of the Gangmakers & Koplopers case. The Office for Public Play generated analyses through dialogues, re-enactments, visualisations and writings via encounters and exchanges with various publics in her urban office and during walks out in the streets. The shared discussions and reflections generated new insights and knowledge for all participants involved. The outcome took the form of a growing compendium on ambiguity in rule- and role-making when designing and performing Participatory Design workshops with
art.description.workIncludedWorkshop: “Forum Reading “, part of “TRADERS Open School: The city could be otherwise” at Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (27 April 2017). In this workshop the participants were invited to ‘play’ with The Car Wrestlers situation and narrative through ‘deconstructing and reconstructing, and rewriting’ the story as to how it would fit matters of their own participatory design practice (the practice is understood as ‘practice ideals’: how they envision their practice as well as ‘practice experience’: what they encounter in their practice) with the given question: what is the role of ambiguity as enabler for the negotiation of rules and roles when designing and performing Participatory Design workshops with children? Approaching the given narrative as an ambiguous matter allowed the participants to appropriate the given narrative towards their personal Participatory Design practice concerns and this as means to start reflecting on those concerns (by the confrontation of the given question). After the rewriting, each participant was invited to share their personal Participatory Design practice interpretations with the group, and the group, in turn, was invited to take the role of ‘spect-actor’ (Boal, 2000) and react on the new narrative. The sharing of these multiple interpretations and the reactions/suggestions/reflections on each interpretation generated an individual and collective learning process as well as generate new meaning. Reference: Boal, A. (2000). Theater of the oppressed. (New ed.) London:
art.description.workIncludedPublic reflection with Sven de Visscher part of “TRADERS Open School: The city could be otherwise” at Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (27 April 2017). For the Public reflection, the Office for Public Play had invited Sven De Visscher (postdoctoral researcher in educational sciences and lector social work at University College Ghent, Faculty of Education, Health and Social Work) for reflecting on the preliminary outcome of the growing compendium. The public was invited to take part in the group
art.description.workIncludedGrowing compendium: “The Car Wrestlers: Trading Rules, Changing Roles” (May 2017). The materials generated during the public analyse, workshop and public reflection was edited into a final compendium that will be further used and processed in my personal PhD project but it also collects information for peers on the topics “participatory design with children” and “experimental ways of doing design-based research”.sv
art.description.projectDuring the TRADERS Open School, the Office for Public Play installed her office in Z33 House for Contemporary Art in Hasselt, Belgium (24—28 April 2017). During her 5-day working residency, she zoomed in on a particular moment, The Car Wrestlers, from one of her past Participatory Design workshop sessions with children; and perform a ‘public analysis’. Making the process and outcome of the analysis public does not only imply that the process will be made visible to ‘the public’ but also invites various publics — other artists and designers, peers, as well as citizens — to participate in reflecting on what happened. This is done by focusing on ambiguity in rule- and role-making when designing and performing Participatory Design workshops with children. What is the role of ambiguity as enabler for the negotiation of rules and roles when designing and performing Participatory Design workshops with children? is the main question that directed the analyse and reflections on the situations generated from The Car Wrestlers. The analysis was generated through dialogues, re-enactments, visualisations and writings. The Office for Public Play encountered and exchanged with the publics in her urban office and during walks out in the streets. The shared discussions and reflections generated new insights and knowledge for all participants involved. The outcome took the form of a growing compendium on ambiguity in rule- and role-making when designing and performing Participatory Design workshops with children. The project was part of the TRADERS Open School with theme: The city could be otherwise. The TRADERS Open School was a 10-day academy bringing together art and design thinkers, practitioners and various publics to critically engage in urban processes and discourses through the lenses of agency, participation and public space. The event was premised on the notion that ‘things can be otherwise’, it acted as a challenge to rethink and conceptualise potential urban futures by way of art and design. To do this, the Open School was structured as an academy, a place for learning. Accepting that knowledge is not only held in the head but being actively constructed in situ and practice, the academy was seen as moving from a celebration of genius to a focus on the creation of what Brian Eno termed ‘scenius’, the intelligence that comes from a collective ecology of thinkers. The structure of the 10 days intertwined practice and theory, established thinkers and students, emergent practices and traditional methods, in an experiential and cognitive generative dance. This dance is a key metaphor for the academy’s organisation, which created an environment and structure for ideas and practices to come together in dialogue without an overly curated programme, instead ‘thinking on our feet’. The Car Wrestlers also explored experimental ways of performing design-based research in a participatory way: through the concept of ‘trading’ ideas with peers via dialogues, a writing workshop and a group reflection and through exploring design-based forms of dissemination: posters (process), exhibition (process), and growing compendium (process and outcome). In addition, the Car Wrestlers did not only aimed to support the initiating PhD candidate but her analyse and research processing was used as means to transfer preliminary outcomes of her research and research method with peers. The small-scale collaboration enabled new exchange and collaborations but also new connections (network) between the different partners in the
art.description.summaryA public analyse series, consisting of a series of dialogues and workshops that generated a growing compendium on “Enabling ambiguity for questioning, negotiating and altering ‘roles’ when designing and performing Participatory Design workshops with children” which, in turn, was followed-up by a final
art.description.supportedByTRADERS Office for Public Play Z33 House for Contemporary Art Sven de Visscher (University College Ghent, Faculty of Education, Health and Social Work) Linda Holmer (HDK Academy of Design and Craft) Emma Ribbens (MA Product Design, LUCA School of Arts: MAD faculty) Rein Lambrichts (MA Product Design, LUCA School of Arts: MAD faculty) Maria Tsaneva (MA Social Design, University of Applied Arts in Vienna) Jon Geib (PhD candidate in the Department of Architecture at Chalmers University of Technology and TRADERS ESR) Cristina Ampatzidou (Amateur Cities) Priscilla SuarézBock (illustrator) Giuditta Vendrame & Paolo Patelli (La Jetée) Sean Chester (Postdoc at NTNU, Norway) Pablo Calderón Salazar (PhD candidate at KULeuven and TRADERS ESR) Michael Kaethler (PhD candidate at KULeuven and TRADERS ESR)sv

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