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dc.subjectexperimental essayfilmsv
dc.subjectperformance lecturesv
dc.titleMartin’s Eyesv
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorLa Cour, Eva
art.typeOfWorkPerformative lecture and live-edited filmessaysv
art.relation.publishedInÅrhus Kunsthal Contemporary art centre located at the centre of the city of Aarhus, Denmark. Later, in a significantly different version, at: The Swedish Research Council’s Symposium on artistic research, Stockholm (November 2017).sv
art.description.projectAlong side the advancement of artistic research and an accelerated flow of (in)visible information within networked economies, there seems to be a certain reluctance in the field of visual arts (among many other disciplines) to tackle the challenges that the global climate crisis poses to the field. In response, my performative lecture and live-assembled filmessay Martin’s Eye engages the interconnectedness and material-discursive nature of the crisis, as an attempt to expose the both political and aesthetic implications of this ‘nature’. Over the last seven years I have been returning to the High Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard, which has resulted in a material body of interviews, notes, images and film clips. Martin’s Eye is an attempt to activate excerpts through a performative film-strategy in which I assemble and voice my material in front of a live audience. I do this through strategies of simultaneous talking and live-editing, at once collapsing the distinct temporalities of production, presentation and living a geopolitical Arctic. Informed by a performative turn within art, media studies and anthropology, I am interested in exploring the mediating agency of image-practices and expertises on Svalbard and modes of presentation that can question ideas of linear transmission. Within the larger framework of my research project at Valand, my work and experimental presentations of Martin’s Eye is part of an overall attempt to contribute to a deepened understandings of the significant difference between representation and
art.description.summaryMartin’s Eye is an attempt to activate excerpts of a material body of interviews, notes, images and film clips from fieldwork on the High Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard. My work with Martin’s Eye is a way to do this through a performative film-strategy in which I assemble and voice my material in front of a live
art.description.supportedByValand Academysv

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