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dc.subjectsocial practice (art)sv
dc.subjectintercultural learningsv
dc.titleCrystalight - an Intercultural co-creation project at Röhsska Museum of Designsv
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorKo, Min Jeong
art.typeOfWorkMFA Dissertationsv
art.relation.publishedInValand Academysv
art.description.projectThe essay explores the processes of projects, where typically invisible community groups are introduced to cultural activities in shared public spaces in this case, a local craft & design museum. By using cameras as tools for sharing experiences, I have strived to explore an alternative way to illustrate the complexity of co-creation community work, the definition of communities and the ethics of framing participants, problematising the disciplinary ways of defining and explaining
art.description.summaryThis essay investigates opportunities and challenges around co-creation projects with hard-to-reach communities. Audio visual media and screenings have been used as tools for informal intercultural learning in museums with collections. The community concerned was limited to groups of teens, an audience group which is known as a groups who are difficult to attract to museums. Within this group, there was also a subset of teens belonging to immigrants and families, who do not participate actively in civic, cultural activities in public spaces, thus being twice removed as a potential museum audience. The essay explores the processes of projects, where typically invisible community groups are introduced to cultural activities in shared public spaces. In engaging with communities from diverse cultural backgrounds, collaborative work (with or without camera/digital technology) needs to be founded in the appreciation of the dialogical and relational elements of everyday social and cultural life, which is often complicated, seemingly contradictory and diverse. Moreover, it is argued that the targeted programming, co-created with certain groups of people, could result in diversifying of the public institution, providing that there is active component of problematising categorisations of people and social groups, as part of the process. The essay also suggests that agencies of interpretations can be shared in more open-ended ways. More co-creative actions from different agencies should be pursued in further
art.description.supportedByRöhsska museet , 1200 m2, Ungdomens hussv

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