Identitetsskapande mitt i sommaren En diskursanalytisk undersökning av musiken i Sommar i P1
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the hosts of the radio show Sommar i P1 uses their choices of music to make identity. To be able to emphasise what is communicated as well as what is left out, the method discourse analysis is used. The method discourse analysis is used because of its possibility to emphasise what is said, as well as what is left out; what music is played, and what music is avoided. The objects of study were chosen either from the author’s own interest, or with the hypothesis of working class music in mind. The number of objects of study are eight, and their programmes aired between 2004 - 2016. The hosts of the study are either musicians or social democrats.
The theories used are Judith Butler’s theory on performativity, Pierre Bourdieu’s theory on habitus and the theory on symbolic capital. These theories made it possible to study identity as something created by a subject, and made possible to be understood and analysed. The results show that the presentation of identity through music is made in various ways: through empathy on lyrics, through the success of the played musician and through thoroughly chosen musicians that emphasises the hosts similar lifestyles, with for example charity and successes. The result also show that the hosts who are musicians legitimise themselves by accrediting cultural or subcultural capital through their musical choices. They are using language from their own genre, they are name-dropping other people from the genre, and are playing musicians that are highlighting the hosts own identity. In this way they create and maintain their identity.
Student essay
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Hulander, Sara
Sommar i P1
Series/Report no.