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dc.contributor.authorJansson, Kim
dc.contributor.authorHåkansson, Alice
dc.description.abstractThis study explored the complex relationship between homosexual men and masculinity norms. By means of critical masculinity theories such as Connell’s hegemonic masculinity theory and Butler’s heterosexual matrix, we aimed to explore homosexual men’s thoughts about and experiences of masculinity. We were both interested in experiences of hegemonic masculinity norms and possible subversive definitions of and approached to masculinity. Methods that were used to collect our data were semi-structured interviews, who later analysed via a thematic content analysis. Findings showed that our responders define masculinity in relation to normative masculinity, even when they position themselves critical towards it. We see this as a result of the hegemonic masculinity that characterize the society and also affects the gay community which also results in a strive towards it. Furthermore, responders perceived that masculinity norms varies between homosexual and heterosexual men, and responders indicated that the heterosexual matrix, which traditionally involves heteronormative assumptions about sex, gender and desire has transferred into the gay community and generated in a binary
dc.subjectmasculinity norms, homosexual men doing of masculinity, hegemonic masculinity, the heterosexual matrixsv
dc.titleATT STRÄVA MOT DET SOM FÖRTRYCKER DIG - En kvalitativ studie om homosexuella mäns görande av maskulinitetsv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborg University/Department of Social Workeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för socialt arbeteswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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