Now showing items 21-26 of 26

    • Dubbeljonisation av allen med hjälp av högenergetiska fotoner 

      Miniotaité, Ugné; Forsmalm, Emma; Forsmalm, Malin (2020-07-03)
      Detta arbete presenterar en studie om dubbeljonisation av molekylen allen vid absorption av högenergetiska fotoner. Vi undersöker i denna rapport valensdubbeljonisation och Augerprocesser hos allen. Syftet är att jämföra ...
    • How stable are molecular dianions? 

      Björnsson, Benjamin (2020-07-03)
      Since the discovery of fullerenes, the C60 molecule has attracted considerable attention because of its high level of symmetry and its ability to act as a platform for studying interacting electrons. It can be created ...
    • Excitation and Detection of Spinwaves with Light 

      Bergström, Hannes; Lundgren, Ossian; Rydbjer, Isac; Samuelsson, Mathias; Örtenberg Toftås, Mathias; Tornberg, Nils (2020-07-03)
      Spinwaves (SWs) are a collective excitation of the local spin moments in a magnetic ordered medium. Spinwaves can be excited electrically using microwave sources, direct currents, and by focused optical short pulses on ...
    • Enfoton-dubbeljonisation av isothiocyansyra 

      Cole, Daniel; Lundberg, Sven (2020-07-03)
      Isotiocyansyra, HNCS, en interstellärt intressant molekyl har studerats genom att använda flygtidsspektroskopi med en magnetisk flaska, där molekylen joniseras med enstaka fotoner med energier upp till 195 eV. En redogörelse ...
    • Characterizing CEPA, a phoswich array 

      Ali, Yusuf; Bergentall, Valdemar; Dahlgren, Erik (2019-08-01)
      The structure of unstable nuclei is studied at the international facility FAIR, Darmstadt, Germany. One experimental setup at FAIR is called R3B where radioactive beams at relativistic energies impinge on a specific target ...
    • Single-photon double ionisation of Isocyanic acid 

      Axelsson, Viktor; Johansson, Ebba; Teichter, Anthony (2019-06-26)
      Isocyanic acid (HNCO), a molecule containing the four most abundant atoms of organic chemistry, has been studied by single-photon double ionisation. Both direct double ionisation, such as core-valence and valence-valence ...