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dc.subjectart installationsv
dc.subjectsurveillance capitalismsv
dc.subjectage of surveillancesv
dc.subjectbig techsv
dc.subjectconfidence ratesv
dc.subjectneural networksv
dc.subjectAI artsv
dc.title[Self] Confidencesv
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorHookway, Samantha
dc.contributor.creatorAlight, Studio
art.typeOfWorkCurated exhibition, curated by Anna van der Vlietsv
art.relation.publishedInSolo Exhibition, Rob Law, at the Institute for Contemporary Ideas and Art (ICIA), and part of of Gothenburg Design Festival 2019sv
art.description.project[Self] Confidence was made by the creative collective STUDIO ALIGHT, which consists of Samantha Hookway, Fredrik Garneij and Christofer Kanljung. The installation was built as a reflection on the fact that Surveillance Capitalists (Zuboff 2014), such as Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon) are capitalizing on our every movement. The work is described via the studio’s website as: ”[Self] Confidence reveals an experience where the viewer uniquely feels the tension between the dangers of been seen and the dangers of not being seen. In her book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, the theorist Shoshana Zuboff argues that the goal of the surveillance capitalist is to change us. This entails that what is at stake is our agency in how we behave, how we choose, how we connect, how we vote… they capitalize on our experiences. This is a far cry from the exploitation of our labor. [Self] Confidence tells us, in confidence, what it has seen. And thus, gives the viewer the power to reflect with an individualized, and even an emotional, response to the limitations of the systems that surveils us.” Frankly, this work maps the space, and, then, uses one neural network to identify humans with a “confidence score” and a second neural network to classify that human (and what it sees in the image surrounding the human). It is an interactive sculpture installation that consists of directional speakers, stereo cameras, servos, a Jetson Nano, trained neural networks, metal work and other mixed media. Technologically, this work to come alive uses code as an artistic medium and in particular it uses algorithms and machine-learning (a.k.a. artificial intelligence, neural networks). It also uses the stereo camera, to map the space in realtime. The algorithms used are an object recognition algorithm, called YOLO – You Only Look Once, and an image classification algorithm called Googlenet, from the ImageNet database. The piece tells the secrets that are usually kept from us in the seemingly alternative universe, the Internet. The sound enters the space in via a directional wave and thus, the others in the room cannot hear its whispers if it is not pointed directly at them. [Self] Confidence even reveals the added element of its confidence score, meaning how confident did it read the image, or how confident is the machine at its chosen classification. This confidence score will undoubtedly become as an evidential element in a future court case, and/or future regulatory policy because, for example, just how confident does a selfdriving car need to be? Furthermore, the finissage of the exhibition, Rob Law, which included this piece was a co-curated event by ICIA, Studio Alight and in collaboration with the Business Design Lab, HDK with guest lecturer David Carroll from Parsons, The New School, NYC. Carroll came and revealed the behindthe- scenes of the documentary The Great Hack, his research, and his experience suing the U.K. Government for his personal US voter data, due to the Cambridge Analytica scandal in the 2016 US Election. Like the documentary, and the work of Carroll, the piece [Self] Confidence aimed to give an audience the experience and understanding that there are consequences to allowing the surveillance capitalists reign ungoverned. After exhibiting this autumn at the ICIA, [Self] Confidence is finding new exhibition formats and locations. Studio Alight is currently working with leads of showing this work in further audiences, for example at upcoming Vitalis this May. IMDb. (2019). The Great Hack (2019) - IMDb. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Dec. 2019]. Medium. (2019). An introduction to implementing the YOLO algorithm for multi object detection in images. [online] Available at: to-implementing-the-yolo-algorithm-for-multiobject- detection-in-images-99cf240539 [Accessed 4 Dec. 2019]. Medium. (2019). Review of Deep Learning Algorithms for Image Classification. [online] Available at: for-image-classification-5fdbca4a05e2 [Accessed 4 Dec. 2019]. Zuboff, S. (2014). The age of surveillance
art.description.summary[Self] Confidence tells us, in confidence, what the machine has seen. And thus, gives the viewer the power to reflect with an individualized, and even an emotional, response to the limitations of the systems that surveils us. This work maps the space, uses a series of neural networks that identify humans with
art.description.supportedByProduced by ICIA and funded by Kulturrådet, Västra Götalandsregionen, Göteborg stad och Nordisk kulturfondsv
art.relation.uri rob-law/sv
art.relation.uri alight-icia-ring%C3%B6nskonsthall- 1.17639405sv

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