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dc.contributor.authorSzwarcwald, Rebecca
dc.description.abstractThe presence of corruption threatens the principles of democracy by put aside the norms existing for political equality and political competition. Corruption has been shown by research in national elections to either mobilize voters or make them not want to vote. Eastern countries have a history of communist rule that includes corruption and their turnout in elections to European parliament have been low for many years. East European countries have had lower turnout than western countries. Corruption has been studied on the national level to a greater extent than on European level and turnout in election to the European parliament need to be studied more. By focusing on what earlier research say about corruption either mobilize voters or demobilize turnout, my purpose is to broaden our understanding for corruption and turnout in eastern countries and the turnout on European level. The results from my OLS regression indicate that Democracy Dissatisfaction has a negative effect on if a person is likely to vote in next European parliament election, but it has not shown to explain a significant amount of variation. The variation explained seems to increase when adding other independent variables into the
dc.subjectEuropeiska Unionen, EU, Europaparlamentet, val, valdeltagande, korruption, öst, östeuropasv
dc.subjectEuropean Union, European parliament, elections, turnout, corruption, east, eastern Europesv
dc.titlePÅVERKAR NATIONELL KORRUPTION EUROPAPARLAMENTSVAL? En kvantitativ studie om korruption och valdeltagande i östeuropeiska ländersv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionenswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Political Scienceeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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