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dc.contributor.authorAndersin, Emelie
dc.description.abstractThis study explores how territorial conflicts are related to rebel perpetrated conflict-related sexual violence and if rebel groups funded by natural resources exacerbates that relationship. Prior research has explored how rebel groups funded by natural resources is related to rebel perpetrated conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV). This study claims that the mere presence of funding natural resources is not a sufficient incentive to carry out CRSV. Therefore, this study introduces an alternative predictor: the presence of a territorial conflict. Further, this study introduces carefully in theoretical terms the gender dimension of rebel CRSV in territorial conflicts. I expect territorial conflict to be the main driver, not rebel groups funded by natural resources, since territorial areas often carries an inherent value and territorial conflicts are highly violent-prone. I also expect conflicts experiencing territorial conflict and natural resource financing by rebel groups to produce a higher prevalence for rebel sexual violence. To study this theoretical framework, I will carry out a quantitative analysis using three dependent variables capturing both conflict-related sexual violence and wartime rape. The results show strong support between territorial conflict and wartime rape, but not conflict-related sexual violence. The results suggest that territorial conflict, natural resource financing and sexual violence are related to one another. However, we do not know more on how territorial conflicts is related to sexual
dc.subjectcivil conflictsv
dc.subjectconflict-related sexual violencesv
dc.subjectwartime rapesv
dc.subjectterritorial conflictsv
dc.subjectrebel groupssv
dc.subjectfinancing natural resourcessv
dc.titleExamining the Ubiquitousness of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Territorial Conflicts A quantitative study on how territorial conflicts are related to rebel perpetrated conflict-related sexual violence and rebel groups funding natural resourcessv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionenswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Political Scienceeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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