Infiltration, hydrogeology, and heterogeneity - Management of pressure and flow: A case study for the Varberg tunnel project
This thesis aims to describe a conceptual model of the sedimentology for Swedish (or nordic)
conditions of heterogeneous aquifers but focus is on a case study in Varberg. This to facilitate
the identification of main water-bearing units (e.g. upper and lower aquifers, two-dimensional
and one-dimensional flow) by short duration hydraulic tests evaluated by the Hvorslev method.
The purpose was to provide guidance in relation to location and design of mitigation measure
for the mitigation of pressure and flow focusing on infiltration and pumping. The analysis
assumes that the geometric mean (median) of the saturated hydraulic conductivity in a
lognormal isotropic two-dimensional medium (aquifer) is the exact upscaled hydraulic
conductivity (effective hydraulic conductivity) (Gupta, Rudra, Parkin, & Parkin, 2006; Renard,
Le Loc'h, Ledoux, De Marsily, & Mackay, 2000). Based on this assumption the median
hydraulic conductivity from short duration hydraulic tests was compared to the effective
hydraulic conductivity obtained from transient (time-dependent) pumping test to explain
aquifer heterogeneity and spatial variability in hydraulic conductivity. The conceptual model,
in combination with short duration hydraulic tests, was found to be a valuable tool for
describing the spatial distribution of measured hydraulic conductivities. Deviation of median
values of short duration hydraulic tests from hydraulic conductivity obtained from pumping test
could be described by the spatial variability (aquifer heterogeneity) of hydraulic conductivity.
The flow pattern in the aquifers in Varberg generally seem to be disturbed by channel flows in
structures or geological materials with high hydraulic conductivity (glaciofluvial) that create
deviation from a two-dimensional isotropic aquifer. The location and design of infiltration is
suggested to depend on the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity and these onedimensional
channel flows.
Student essay
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Risby, Lisa
short duration hydraulic tests
hydraulic conductivity
radius of influence
confined and unconfined aquifer
Series/Report no.