Trapphuset – gränslandet mellan allmänt och enskilt intresse En undersökning kring det formella skyddet av kulturvärden i ”halvoffentliga” interiöra miljöer
The stairwell - The boarder between public and private interest: A study of the legal protection of cultural values in ”half public” interior environments
In Sweden, interior cultural values are less legally protected then exterior values. In municipal
urban planning, public interests are weighed against private interest. Some spaces are hard to
define as a public interest or a private interest, for example stairwells in apartment buildings.
Spaces like this is neither public nor private. This can result in a difficulty to determine what
kind of legal protection this kind of space is entitled to. The purpose of this study is to explore
what kinds of legal protection stairwells in apartment buildings in Gothenburg have. The
purpose is furthermore to investigate if there are any specific factors that affect the
possibilities to legally protect these spaces. The goal with the study is to strengthen the legal
protection for stairwells in apartment buildings and in that way leave them better preserved
for future generations. The method that is used is a study of enactments, documents regarding
urban planning in Gothenburg and qualitative interviews. The result describes in which ways
interiors in Gothenburg are protected and identifies three main factors that complicate the
legal protection of stairwells in apartment buildings in Gothenburg. These factors are the
absence of detailed development plans, a weaker protection for interiors than exteriors in the
Planning and Building Act and lastly the vagueness of the cultural environment program for
Gothenburg. The conclusion of the study shows that these three factors are interacting with
each other. It’s the combination between the absence of detailed development plans and the
way the law is designed to protect interiors, that together creates a problem. If all apartment
building would be covered by detailed development plans, the problem would be solved, but
that takes time and resources. Furthermore, it would be problematic if the law had stricter
requirements because that would entail a demand of a more detailed cultural environment
program. To improve the legal protection of the interior values in stairwells in apartment
buildings, recourses are needed. In the end, it becomes a matter of priorities.
Student essay
Other description
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie
kandidatexamen med huvudområdet
kulturvård med inriktning mot
bebyggelseantikvarisk verksamhet
2020, 180 hp
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Kopp, Ida
cultural heritage
cultural values
Planning and Building Act
Series/Report no.
ISSN 1101-3303