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dc.contributor.authorPersson, Birgitta
dc.description.abstractIn the 18th century a pineapple craze was spreading through Europe pushing the boundaries of horticulture to its edge in hope to be the first to successfully grow this precious fruit. It was the Dutch who found success first, much thanks to their use of tanner’s bark. But England wasn’t far behind. And after Henry Telenedes method got written down, by Richard Bradley, England was the centre of pineapple cultivation. In Sweden the pineapple also had it’s lure. Four gardeners, Peter Lundberg, Anders Lundström, Axel Pihl and Daniel Muller, each wrote down their methods for growing pineapple and in Sweden these are the only real documentation. But how do we know that these methods have any creditbility? To do that, the four different methods have been compared and analyzed in relation to the methods described in english litterature and the cultivation of pineapples that takes place in Sweden today, on a hobbybased level. This to conclude which parts of pineapple cultivation that are the most important, and to form a method worth trying. In this thesis no practical tests of the methods were done, which mean that the end result only can point at oddities in the different methods. There is no way of conclude whether one method is better than the other and the conclusion of the thesis is that actual testing of the methods are crucial for a better understanding of
dc.subjectPeter Lundbergsv
dc.subjectAnders Lundströmsv
dc.subjectAxel Pihlsv
dc.subjectDaniel Mullersv
dc.subjectPineapple cultivationsv
dc.titleANANASODLING I SVERIGE PÅ 1700- OCH 1800-TALET En studie av odlingsmetodersv
dc.title.alternativePineapple cultivation in Sweden in the 18th and 19th century – A study of methods for cultivationsv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Conservationeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvårdswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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