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dc.contributor.authorAndersson, John
dc.contributor.authorBerggren Sjöblom, Anders
dc.contributor.authorBäckelie, Anders
dc.contributor.authorLjung Ekeroth, Johannes
dc.contributor.authorSkystedt, Lukas
dc.contributor.authorTerner, Lina
dc.description.abstractParagon is a programming language that extends Java with statically checked information flow control policies. Paragon’s compiler, which is written in Haskell, has a large type checker. Its current implementation is monolithic, making the compiler challenging to develop. Paragon’s authors, Broberg et al., have proposed to partition the type checker into five phases, and this project is a step towards such an implementation. We identify the representation of Paragon’s abstract syntax tree as an essential design aspect and emphasize extensibility to conform to the phases’ varying requirements. Based on a programming idiom, Trees that Grow, by Najd and Jones, we implement an extensible abstract syntax tree in Paragon’s compiler. We observe that our implementation introduces a substantial amount of boilerplate code. To alleviate the issue, we employ several methods for generic programming. We conclude that our AST implementation is extensible but
dc.titleTrees that Grow in the Paragon Compiler A Step Towards Modularitysv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för data- och informationsteknikswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Computer Science and Engineeringeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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