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dc.contributor.authorHilmér, Ida
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to compare two exhibitions to find out the decolonizing strategies and how they are affecting the material culture that they exhibit. ñseums around the world are in the midst of decolonization. This process has been going on for a long time and covers all parts of the museum. In this essay, the main focus is the decolonization of the exhibitions and the objects who bears a colonial past. By comparing two exhibitions of Swedish museums the aim is to analyze the use of colonial objects as well as the decolonizing strategies of each museum by applying postcolonial theories and analyzing the material through the methodology of multimodality. To deepen the understanding of what is found in the exhibitions two interviews have been made with people involved in the production of each exhibition. No matter how hard museums try to wash away the remnants of the objects colonial past it will always be there, the question is how will they show this to the public? By employing decolonizing strategies in the exhibition, the museums are able to solve some of these issues. This includes ways of letting the subaltern voice being heard and an open dialogue between all parts. Strategies like these creates a third space in the
dc.subjectSwedish museumssv
dc.subjectThird space theorysv
dc.subjectcultural heritagesv
dc.titleUtställningens tredje rum En komparativ analys av två svenska museers avkoloniseringsstrategier centrerad kring föremåls framställning i utställningarsv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of Historical Studieseng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / Institutionen för historiska studiersve
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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