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dc.contributor.authorBossius Klintenberg, Petter
dc.contributor.authorAndersson, Louise
dc.description.abstractSeveral studies have shown that migration can have negative effects on the mental well being of refugees and asylum seekers. Asylum seekers and refugees is a heterogeneous group which makes it difficult to draw general conclusions about their experiences and needs. One general statement that can be made is that migrants are found to experience higher levels of stress than the cultural majority population. The understanding of culture becomes important in relation to mental health as it can play an important part in understanding the ways in which the clients' way of expressing their needs and their experiences might differ from that of the social worker. But it is also possible to over emphasise the role of culture, resulting in the culturalization of social problems. According to swedish law, individuals that suffer from serious mental illness should receive psychiatric treatment in place of serving a prison sentence. In order to determine whether individuals who are found guilty of a crime are suffering from mental illness they undergo a psychiatric evaluation, carried out by a multiprofessional team at the National Board of Forensic medicine (Rättsmedicinalverket). The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of how the social workers that are part of these multi professional teams overcome language barriers as well as cultural differences. Further, to examine what challenges are specific to the Forensic national boards work, in regards to transcultural clients, and to understand what strategies they use to reach a common understanding of clients circumstances. Another aim was to examine what areas professionals themselves feel that there is a need for further knowledge in order to work more efficiently with transcultural clients. To answer these questions a qualitative study consisting of five semi structured interviews was conducted. The study was carried out at the University of Gothenburg, Västra Götaland, in the autumn of 2020. The theoretical framework applied consisted of professionalization, structuration theory and symbolic interactionism. Research data was analysed by the use of thematic analysis. The main findings were that interpreters play an important role in the work with transcultural clients. Apart from enabling communication through translation they can play a role in the process of establishing a professional relationship. Furthermore the specific judiciary context of the work of the national board of forensic psychiatry somewhat de-emphasizes the importance of reaching exact understanding of one anothers viewpoints, even though it is still desired. Lastly, the area of which one would need knowledge to have full understanding of transcultural clients is vast, and there are many questions and perceived dangers surrounding how to create generalised understanding of cultures and approach culture in the context of social
dc.subjectcultural competencesv
dc.subjectsocial worksv
dc.subjectmental healthsv
dc.titleSocialt arbete inom rättspsykiatrin. En kvalitativ studie om kulturkompetens på Rättsmedicinalverketsv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborg University/Department of Social Workeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för socialt arbeteswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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