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dc.subjectYstad klostersv
dc.subjectWooden Lathssv
dc.subjectVad är Ekologisv
dc.titleSituations for Collaborative worksv
dc.title.alternativeSituations for Collaborative work part 2/4, Ystadsv
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorGunnarsson, Mattias
dc.contributor.creatorWesterberg, Susanne
art.typeOfWorkArtistic development project 2020sv
art.relation.publishedInYstad kloster, Ystadsv
art.description.projectYstad Kloster December 2019 we were invited by curator Elisabeth Jeansson at Ystad Kloster to participate in the exhibition Livets väv - Vad är Ekologi? (The fabric of life - What is Ecology?) opening June 2020 at Ystad Kloster. In the exhibition, which is about ecology, There are three designated spots for artistic work, and three artists were invited to participate. We worked in one that is in the end of the corridor-type setting for the exhibition. The ceiling hight is 3 meters in a curved dome and in the middle there is a large heavy granit tanning table. A point of departure we used our ongoing project (Material) Site Recordings where we build, de-construct, move and re-build sculptural structures in different locations with the same wooden laths (we have 3000) connected with cable-ties. From the laths that have broken in the process we made a piece in two part where one is a clear cut of small blocks that covers the tanning table and the other is a set of stools for not sitting. The clear cut consists of 300 pieces of the endings of broken laths. Since the laths age, gets marked and brake differently during the process the pieces are all similar but not same. The blocks have all been dipped in Chinese ink so despite the variations they all have the same deep black base. The ink has always played an important role in our practice and in this work it is rather a material collaborator than a visual medium. The stools (for not sitting) are also crafted out of the broken laths. We have worked together, as we most often do, and started by constructing 10 sculptural beginnings each which we then traded to make 10 endings on each others work. The seats are 12mm felted white wool which we chose for its visual impression of stability as well as the softness signaling the sitting not being appropriate in times of social distancing. Our work with the exhibition has given us a context to start exploring the development of our Material) Site Recording project and what ideas can be sticklings for new directions and how do continue working with the broken laths. The exhibition Livets väv - Vad är Ekologi? (The fabric of life - What is Ecology?) will be re-built and open again in the end of January 2021 and for this we will have two of the three spaces for artistic work and produce a larger sculptural piece and a set of drawings within the same narrative. Primarily the work with the exhibition has given us a wider scope and entry to our ongoing work together. Working with the wood that is a part of the (Material) Site Recordings, but is now broken (and therefore no longer a part of the larger structures) has opened for the possibility that the can open to new parallell paths. Both the clear-cut material with its repetitive form and pattern as well as the together-built stool structures will stay within (Material) Site Recordings and the MASU practice and we see that they both have interesting potential to act in different spaces together or individually. The newspaper Ystads Allehanda wrote about the
art.description.summaryCollaborative work in four situations at four different sites between June - December 2020. Work centered around the wooden laths within the project (material) Site Recordings in Ystad, Ängeholm and Göteborg. Artistic Development project funded by the Faculty of …. during 2020. A platform to more clearly formulate and develop our collaborative practice within the artistic field. Our together-work is always the hub in our process, independent of material, time or outcome. The dialogic work contains ourselves, the material, the space and its
art.description.supportedByUniversity of Gothenburg The municipality of Ystad, Ystad Klostersv

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