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dc.contributor.authorHalldin, Oliva
dc.descriptionUppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med inriktning mot bebyggelseantikvarisk verksamhet 2021, 180 hp Grundnivå 2021:14sv
dc.description.abstractGårda is an area, east of the central part of Gothenburg. It is a district with an industrial background from the 19th century with factories and working-class homes from that era still standing today. The area has seen several changes to its environment over the years, especially office buildings have become a large and important part of Gårdas character and environment. This essay will study the phenomenon gentrification and study how Gårda fits in its description and theory. To be able to understand Gårda in a gentrification process three other gentrified areas will be studied and analyzed. These districts are: Old town in Stockholm, for being one of the earliest gentrified environments in Sweden. Second is East Kvillebäcken in Gothenburg, which was and small-scale industrial area and was torn down around 2007 to make space for a new and modern residential area. The last district is Haga in Gothenburg, a very classical case of gentrification where they wanted to tear down an old and run-down part of town but were met with lots of resistance from the residents who did not want to move. This information will then later be compared to Gårda and similarities and differences will be discussed. This essay will focus on the theory and process of gentrification and its effect on the surrounding environment. Also, what kind of background the process was based upon and how it came to be. The method will mostly be based on literature studies and qualitative interviews to gain different aspects and competences on the subject. Lastly the essay will discuss the different changes happening in and around Gårda and how that can come to affect the cultural values in the
dc.relation.ispartofseriesISSN 1101-3303sv
dc.relation.ispartofseriesISRN GU/KUV—21/14—SEsv
dc.subjecturban developmentsv
dc.subjectcultural heritagesv
dc.titleStadsutveckling och gentrifieringsproblematik i områden med kulturhistorisk bebyggelse -Med Gårda som fallstudiesv
dc.title.alternativeUrban developement and gentrification challenges in areas with cultural built heritagesv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Conservationeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvårdswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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