Landskapet nu och då - en kulturhistorisk analys av hagmark utifrån historiskt kartmaterial
The landscape now and then - A cultural-historical analysis of pastures based on historical maps
The aim of this thesis is to show how historical maps can be an important component in
identifying and interpreting the ecological and cultural-historical values of a landscape. During
the months of June and July in 2020, I inventoried two pastures located in the southwest of
Sweden. The purpose of the inventory was to document the biological and permanent
cultural heritage of the pastures. The result from the inventory became the basis for this
analysis. In the thesis I ask how a historical map can be used to interpret the cultural-historical
values, what remains of the landscape from the historical map and which cultural-historical
values that can be identified in the pastures today. The method that is used for answering the
questions is a comparison between a historical map from year 1844 with the results of the
inventory from year 2020. The results of the thesis show that historical maps can serve as a
basis for a cultural-historical valuation or for the interpretation of already noted remains in
the landscape. Some historical and cultural elements were not listed on the map. In these
cases, a discussion was held about the probability that these elements might have existed when the historical mapping was carried out. The cultural-historical values of the pastures
resulted in several categories, such as land, social and agricultural historical value. The
pastures also had an identity, continuity, tradition, environmental and a representative value.
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med inriktning mot landskapsvård 2021, 180 hp
Bergquist, Jonas
biological heritage
historical maps
sustainable development
biologiskt kulturarv
historiska kartor
hållbar utveckling