PORTRAYAL OF ADOPTION IN SWEDISH NEWS MEDIA. A transitivity analysis of social actors in the 2018 Chile adoption news story.
The current study researches how adoption stakeholders are portrayed in
Swedish news media by applying a transitivity framework to analyze online news
articles. The news articles in focus concern adoptions made in the 1970s from Chile to
Sweden with possible ties to human trafficking. The selected news sources were the
three most read online platforms and a fourth that was the first to report of the issue at
hand. The key stakeholders identified in the analysis were the adoptee, adoption
agency, biological parent, media and state authority. Transitivity analysis was used to
extract features in text that could show if underlying meanings are present or
deliberately left out to convey a certain perception of an issue. The analysis showed
that agency, media and state authority were represented in a active manner, which
gave them power as social actors whereas the adoptee and biological parents were
represented with low social power when it came to being an active agent/doer,
especially in material processes. This recurrent portrayal has influence on the public
view on the issue and on social practice. From the current study the portrayal is rather
one-dimensional for the different stakeholders, which contributes to the research in
media portrayal and can give a small insight in Swedish news media representation.
Further research can from the current study results continue to investigate how narrow
portrayal is reflected in public opinion or vice-versa.
Master theses
Saloranta, Maria
News media
critical discourse analysis
transitivity analysis
Series/Report no.