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dc.subjectPersonal belongingsen_US
dc.titleSurvivaBall Home Suitsen_US
dc.type.svepartistic work
dc.contributor.creatorOyama, Yuka
art.typeOfWork3) Film, Video and Radio: video, artistic research 4) Exhibitions, events and festivals Exhibition: -Look! Revelation on Art and Fashion 5) Physical artifacts: - seven sculptures - publication, exhibition catalog: Bergmann, Katarina, Franziska Brückmann, et al. 2021. Look! Revelation on Art and Fashion. Herford: Marta Herford gGmbHen_US
art.relation.publishedInMart Herford Museum, Herford, Germanyen_US
art.description.project“SurvivaBall Home Suits” is the third volume of Oyama’s current practice-based artistic research entitled “Mobile Personal Belongings (2017 - ongoing)”. Oyama investigates individual methods that people employ to create an affective dimension of home using a handful of personal belongings. Oyama pays close attention to identify roles of special portable personal possessions, how these objects as ‘constants’ influence and shape the internal and personal, forming and confirming a sense of home at times when people experience uprooting. In “SurvivaBall Home Suits”, Oyama investigated how it feels to constantly switch between two different sets of homes. She conducted a series of one-on-one interviews about objects that accompany children and young adults between the ages of 10 and 25 who have or had to live between two homes following their parents’ separation and equally shared parenting (50/50 custody). Afterwards, Oyama produced wearable, oversized sculptures of participants’ personal belongings, such as headphones, cuddly toys, or a perfume bottle. They were worn by the interviewees (the objects’ owners), who engaged in a boardgame, telling and demonstrating their stories of living in double residents. The artistic results (one of seven sculptures, watercolour drawings, and video) were exhibited in the exhibition Look! — Revelations on Art and Fashion, September 4, 2021 until March 6, 2022 at the museum Marta Herford, Germany.en_US
art.description.summaryIn “SurvivaBall Home Suits” (7 sculptures and video), Yuka Oyama explores how youths, who have been raised in a 50/50 custody experience and define home; and role of mobile personal possessions that help them to come in terms with the mobile living conditions.en_US
art.description.supportedBy- Marta Herford gGmbH (Museum) - Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Presentation of Contemporary Art in Berlin in 2020 - Media Technology: Lord of Event - Scenography Production: LSK Folientechnik - O.S.D Berlin - Junges Deutsches Theater Berlin (Young German Theatre Berlin)en_US

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