“Det är ju alltid ett misslyckande när man hamnar i att det blir ett sammanbrott” En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares hantering av avbrutna placeringar i samhällsvården.
The aim of this study is to explore how social service workers, who work with children or
foster carers, work to prevent placement breakdowns. An additional purpose is to examine
what emotions that emerge in social service workers when a placement breakdown occurs,
and how these emotions are dealt with. Our data was collected through seven qualitative
interviews with social service workers who have experienced placement breakdowns. To
analyze the data, content analysis was used and the theoretical framework that has been
applied are the ecology of human development, street-level bureaucracy and emotional labor.
The results of the study show that social service workers aim to prevent placement
breakdowns by preparation and matching the needs of the child with the foster carer's
abilities, and by offering support to the people involved under the duration of the placement.
Nonetheless there appears to be difficulties that limit the possibilities of preventing
breakdowns, such as workload and lack of resources. The results further show that the
emotions that arise are varied and are mainly connected to emotions of anger, blame and
failure. Social service workers endure and handle these emotions in various ways, both in
their spare time, but also through collegial support and organizational support.
Student essay
Sabouri Loushani, Ramak
Reza, Nora
Placement breakdown
Social Service Worker
Sammanbrott i placeringar
Förebyggande; Emotioner
Prevention; Emotions