Electoral Cycles, Conflict, Crime, and Pro-environmental Behavior
This thesis consists of three self-contained chapters. The first two focus on violent conflicts: international collective action to mitigate them and their violent and international spill-over effects. The third chapter focus on climate change and examines efforts of individual consumers to mitigate their own impact on it. In chapter one, I document electoral cycles in troop contributions to UN peacekeeping operations and examine their consequences for mission and conflict outcomes. In chapter two, I examine the violent spill-over effects of conflict, focusing on the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its effect on hate crime towards Jews and Muslims in the United States. In chapter three, I examine how pro-environmental consumers in Sweden reduce their total consumption-based carbon footprint using a carbon calculator that covers all financial transactions.
Parts of work
1. Electoral Cycles, Foreign Policy and Conflict Mitigation: Evidence from Contributors to UN Peacekeeping Operations
2. Echoes of Violent Conflict: The Effect of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on Hate Crimes in the United States
3. Individual Carbon Footprint Reduction: Evidence from Pro-environmental Users of a Carbon Calculator
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Gothenburg. Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law
Department of Economics ; Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik
Friday the 9th of September, at 10:15, am, in lecture hall E44. Department of Economics, Vasagatan 1
Date of defence
Enlund, Jakob
Publication type
Doctoral thesis
ISBN 978-91-88199-65-2 (printed) ISBN 978-91-88199-66-9 (pdf)